
Todd Chavez

In BoJack Horseman, Todd Chavez (voiced by Aaron Paul) is BoJack’s roommate. He slept on BoJack’s couch after a party one day and has lived there ever since. Todd’s been known to have run-ins with a Mexican drug cartel.

Emmet Brickowski

In The Lego Movie, Emmet (Chris Pratt) just wants to be liked by everyone but unfortunately no one notices him. He’ll soon learn how special he really is after he’s stuck going on a mission with Wyldstyle to put the Piece of Resistance back on the Kragle.


In Trailer Park Boys, Julian (John Paul Tremblay) is a career criminal, but one who follows a code. He can also be counted on to have a rum and coke on hand at all times.

George “Pornstache” Mendez

George Mendez (Pablo Schreiber) is a crooked correctional officer at Litchfield Prison in Orange is the New Black. Though he goes by Mendez, the inmates prefer to call him Pornstache behind his back. He completes his creepy look in season two by sporting a new mullet.

Delsin Rowe

In inFAMOUS: Second Son, Delsin Rowe is a twenty-something street artist until he saves a bio-terrorist prisoner from a car crash and accidentally absorbs his powers. As a Conduit like Cole MacGrath, now he’s not just armed with a chain but with smoke powers too.


In Trailer Park Boys, Ricky (Robb Wells) is the lowlife of the bunch, who loves nothing more than cigarettes, marijuana, and chicken fingers. His superpower is the ability to confuse cops who catch him in the act of committing a crime.

The 12th Doctor

Peter Capaldi is the 12th incarnation of Doctor Who, accompanied by companion Clara Oswald. His silver hair and blue suit are a nice change from the head-to-toe browns of the previous doctors. If this $1400 coat is too hard on your wallet, try the items below!

Vin Diesel at the Guardians Premiere

At the European premiere of Guardians of the Galaxy in London, Vin Diesel did his best Groot impression, wearing stilts and donning an “I am Groot” shirt. We are all Groot, but some, like Vin, are more Groot than others.

Hotline Miami Biker

In Hotline Miami, Biker must battle Jacket, who like him has been receiving mysterious phone calls commanding him to perform brutal assassinations. Biker’s weapons of choice for these tasks are a meat cleaver and throwing stars.


Hellboy (Ron Perlman), real name Anung Un Rama, is a demon summoned to earth by Nazi occultists. Don’t let his horns, red skin, tails and cloven hooves fool you. He’s well meaning and actually has a sense of humor.

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