Travis Touchdown
In the video game No More Heroes, Travis Touchdown is a 20-something-year-old otaku, who spends his days collecting wrestling masks and watching anime. When he runs out of money to buy video games, he takes a job as a hitman.
Happy Gilmore
Happy Gilmore is an unsuccessful ice hockey player who discovers he has a powerful slapshot-style golf swing. With the help of Chubbs he learns to improve his putting and control his angry outbursts in an effort to win the Pro Golf Tour against Shooter McGavin.
Robbie Hart
Robbie Hart wanted to be a rock star but life decided otherwise. Instead of ripped jeans and a leather jacket, he wound up donning a suit and tie as a professional wedding singer. Failed career or not, he was still able to get the girl and impress Billy Idol.
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dalà was a Spanish surrealist painter who is best known for his bizarre, striking images. His unusual behavior and eccentric manner gained as much attention as his work. His look wouldn’t be complete without his signature mustache but we’ll leave it up to you to find your own flexible desk-lady.
Albert Einstein
Despite his somewhat disheveled look, Albert Einstein is one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to theoretical physics. Even most people can recite his famous equation, E=mc2 (though trying to explain it might be another story).
In Warm Bodies, R (Nicholas Hoult) is not your typical zombie. He is able to communicate, granted with grunts and moans. He gets enjoyment from eating food, granted by devouring human brains and experiencing their memories. And he falls in love with the non-zombie Julie Grigio, granted after consuming her boyfriend.
Dr. Ian Malcolm
Dr. Ian Malcolm didn’t skimp on style when he arrived at Jurassic Park. Dressed in all black, the sarcastic mathematician could have easily gone from dinosaur safari to night club in seconds. A black leather jacket is an attractive part of this costume but if you really want to impress the ladies make sure you can explain chaos theory.