
Beast from X-Men

Beast, or Dr. Hank McCoy, is a founding member of the X-Men. His powers as a mutant include super strength and heightened senses. Despite his animalistic appearance, Beast possesses brilliant intelligence, and can communicate eloquently. He is a professor at the Xavier Institute as well as an activist for the acceptance of mutants in society. This guide follows his comic book iteration. Use the blue paint to cover your entire face as well as to paint the pointed ears. Some appropriate additions might include a pair of glasses and a lab coat.

The Green Hornet (1940s)

The Green Hornet made his premier on a serialized radio program inn 1936. Since his inception, he has made mutiple appearances across comic books, television, and movie screens. In December 1940, the Green Hornet and Kato made their first appearance as comic book heroes. The Green Hornet’s original comic book costume consisted of a long green coat, matching fedora, and a face mask with his symbol on it to help conceal his identity.

Harley Quinn from Birds of Prey

Harley Quinn from Birds of Prey

Harley Quinn aka Harleen Quinzel (played by Margot Robbie) is one of the most fascinating women the DC universe. She started as a love interest and henchwoman to the Joker and later gained her independence. When and how varies from comic run to comic run or show to show. But every time she finds her way to independence and the results are wild, a little dangerous, and always fun. Birds of Prey is the newest addition to Harley’s canon exploits and it is set to be a wild ride. She fully embraces her own unique style in this film. That means a crazy combination of crushed velvet with caution tape and some star-spangled shorts for good measure. Nothing quite matches but with Harley’s wild nature just brings it all together anyway!

Marcy from Amphibia

Marcy from Amphibia

In Amphibia, Marcy is a friend of Anne Boonchuy and Sasha. She’s the one who found the knowings of the Calamity Box that teleported the three of them to Amphibia. Marcy wears a SJMS school uniform as her everyday outfit.

Luz Noceda from The Owl House

Luz Noceda from The Owl House

Luz Noceda (voiced by Sarah-Nicole Robles) is the 14 year old main character of Disney’s The Owl House. She enjoys the creepier and odder things in life which alienates her from the kids at school. It makes her perfect for the Owl House, however.

She dresses casually in slip-on white shoes, black leggings, and a pair of cuffed high-waisted shorts. She also wears a white and bluish-purple hoody with cat ears on the hood. Such hoodies aren’t readily available, but fans can achieve the look with Rit dye and a white hoody! Black stud earrings and the Owl staff complete Luz’s look. Just be sure to have a handle ready for the staff, as most Etsy sellers only sell the owl topper.

Tomura Shigaraki

Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia

Tomura Shigaraki is the Leader of the Villains, and the main antagonist of the anime My Hero Academia. Initially his goal was to kill All Might, but it then became destroying all society. He is the most powerful villain because of his strength and intellect. His Quirk is Decay, meaning whatever he touches with all five of his fingers will disintegrate. The most obvious characteristic is the disembodied hands on his face and body. These hands are actually remnants of his family, after accidentally murdering them with his Quirk. Despite their bizarre appearance, Tomura admits the hands bring him calmness and peace. Our costume guide only features the hand for the face.

green hornet 2011

The Green Hornet (2011)

In 2011, Seth Rogan starred in a film reboot of The Green Hornet as the title character. The movie re-imagined Britt Reid and his superhero alter ego in the modern world. Rogan’s costume more closely resembles the 1960s TV version of the Green Hornet than his original comic book incarnation. This modern adaptation calls for a green three piece suit, Venetian style masquerade mask, and black leather driving gloves.

Jacob Seed from Far Cry 5

Jacob Seed from Far Cry 5

Jacob Seed (voiced by Mark Pellegrino) is a secondary antagonist in one of the more controversial Far Cry installments. He’s a member of a fringe religious and survivalist cult known as Eden’s Gate. He is their “protector” or “enforcer” which means he recruits new members through force. He also brainwashes members so that they can be cued to violence with nothing more than a song.

He is a military veteran suffering from PTSD among other issues. These lead him to commit himself fully to Eden’s Gate and their survivalist mentality. He is always armed with at least a large knife and still wears his dog tags and his army jacket. For a fully authentic look, fans can special order name patches and dog tags that say “Seed” as well as the rest of his information.

The rest of his costume consists of black combat boots, dark jeans, and a grey t-shirt as well as a survival whistle and lucky rabbit’s foot on a chain around his neck.

Queen Elsa White Dress Costume from Frozen 2

Make Your Own: Elsa’s White Forest Dress from Frozen II

Frozen II, the much anticipated sequel to Frozen has finally hit theaters, and brought with it about a dozen new […]

Hamburglar (70s) from McDonald's

Hamburglar (70s)

The jibbering stealer of hamburgers and frenemy of McDonald’s spokesclown, Ronald McDonald, this Hamburglar costume is based on his look from the original 1970s commercials, before he was given a cuter, more child-like appearance in later years.

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