
Velma Kelly

Velma Kelly, portrayed by Catherine Zeta-Jones in the hit film, Chicago, is a nightclub singer and vaudevillian who is sent to Cook County Jail for murdering her husband and sister. She finds a rival for stardom when Roxie Hart arrives at the same prison and steals her spotlight.

Ceremonial Princess Zelda from Breath of the Wild

In the century prior to the main events of Breath of the Wild, Princess Zelda (Yu Shimamura / Patricia Summersett) and her allies fought against Calamity Ganon. Dressed in ceremonial garb, Zelda was ready to awaken the powers of Hylia within her when Ganon struck Hyrule in an unexpected place. When she was unable to harness her powers in time, she and Link were forced to flee…And so Breath of the Wild begins.

Rain Ocampo

Rain Ocampo (Michelle Rodriguez) is a special forces commando for the Umbrella Corporation in the first installment of the Resident Evil film series. Called in after the advanced computer AI nicknamed the Red Queen initiated a lock down, Rain along with her team must battle a horde of zombies within a bio-weaponry facility called The Hive in Raccoon City. In the first movie, she wears thick long-sleeved tactical gear that comes in handy when zombies are after her flesh.

Killer Frost (Earth Two)

In the parallel timeline dubbed Earth Two from the television show The Flash, Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker), real name Caitlin, was a metahuman villain allied with her husband Deathstorm (Robbie Amell), Reverb (Carlos Valdes), and the evil speedster Zoom (Teddy Sears). Her ability to shoot frozen air out of her palms complemented her lover’s fiery fury. Similar to Earth One’s Killer Frost, she has an affinity for black leather.

Alice from Resident Evil

Placed in a mansion to guard the emergency exit of Umbrella Corporation’s bio-weaponry facility called The Hive, Alice (Milla Jovovich) is a covert security officer in the movie Resident Evil and its sequels. In the first installment she suffers from amnesia for most of the film, gradually regaining memories as she fights to survive a zombie-infested Hive in Raccoon City. This guide covers her iconic first film outfit, a red dress with combat boots.

Bombshell Supergirl

In DC Bombshells, Supergirl is used as propaganda for Soviet Russia after enlisting in their flight program. Her look is inspired by WWII pinups, so glamour waves or victory roll hairstyles are perfect for capturing her look, as well as classic pinup makeup. The red satin belt is used to tie the corset and skirt together, and the “Superman” patch can be added to recreate her logo.

Sonya Blade (Movie Version)

Sonya Blade (1995 Movie)

Sonya Blade (Bridgette Wilson) is a special forces agent who must compete in the tenth Mortal Kombat tournament in order to prevent humanity from damnation. This version of Sonya Blade is from the live-action Mortal Kombat film from 1995, and her clothing is much more realistic for special forces than the video game version of Sonya Blade.

Bombshell Ravager

In DC Bombshells, Ravager is a prophetic pirate who joins the other members of the Suicide Squad at Belle Reeve Manor. Her look is inspired by pirate pinups, and though the exact color scheme is difficult to find, the essence of the character is easily captured with steampunk fashion and accessories.

Vicki Vale

Vicki Vale

Vicki Vale (Kim Basinger) is a love interest of Bruce Wayne, the alter-ego of Batman. In 1989, Tim Burton brought her character to life in his film, Batman. Much like Selina Kyle, Vicki dresses very elegant and finds herself in sleek dresses.

Nancy Downs from The Craft

Nancy Downs from The Craft

Nancy Downs (Fairuza Balk) is the troubled punk-rock goth teen in 1996’s The Craft. Arguably the favorite among the cult following of this film. Every outfit of hers is admired throughout the whole movie, most notably her Catholic school uniform and the outfit she fights Sarah in.
There are so many fashion pieces she reuses and recreates that it’s up to the admirer to decide what outfit of hers they want to resurrect. Aside from the clothes, her makeup is fairly simple: brown and grey eyeshadow, red or black nail polish, and purple lip-liner with red lipstick.

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