batman: the animated series

The Condiment King from Batman The Animated Series

Buddy Standler (voiced by Stuart Pankin) was a simple comedian just trying to make a name for himself. Unfortunately for Buddy, making his mark landed him on Joker’s bad side. A little bit of mind control later and Buddy made his debut as the Condiment King. To no-one’s surprise, condiments couldn’t quite stand up to the Bat and Buddy’s villain run ended almost as soon as it began, leaving Buddy hospitalized.

Like most comic and cartoon characters, the Condiment King’s costume is a bit hard to replicate without making it from scratch. But you can get close with some pre-made pieces and just a little DIY. White briefs, gloves, and boots are ready to go, as is a teal bodysuit and a pair of black lens sunglasses. You can replicate his condiment guns with red and yellow squirt guns while a silver backpack can replaces the tanks on his back until you can make your own. And, as an added bonus, the bag can hold your convention supplies. Another substitution is a green beanie for his pickle hat until, again, one can be made.

The DIY comes into play with the insignia on his chest. A pack of felt offers all the necessary colors while fabric fusion makes it possible to glue the decal to the bodysuit. Just be sure the chest of the suit is stretched to roughly its worn size before you glue the decal on so that it doesn’t affect the fit of the costume.

Joker from Batman: The Animated Series

In Batman: The Animated Series, Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill) is the clown prince of crime and the archnemesis of Batman. Of all the incarnations of The Joker, many fans consider Hamill’s voice acting to be the best and truest portrayal.

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