cartoon network


Overly-optimistic, naive, and sweet as can be, Flapjack is an aspiring adventurer who is mentored by the greedy and curmudgeonly Captain K’nuckles. The pair search endlessly for the fabled Candied Island – but rarely make it out of Stormalong Harbor.

Dee Dee

In Dexter’s Laboratory, Dee Dee is the older sister of Dexter. She is extremely ditzy and hyperactive, and uses those qualities to sabotage Dexter’s experiments and destroy his lab. Dee Dee sports a ballerina look with a rose pink tutu and ballet pumps that go squish squish.


In Dexter’s Laboratory, Dexter is a boy genius who runs a secret laboratory. There he invents countless machines and conducts weird experiments, though his sister Dee Dee is always breaking in and destroying his work. His idol is Albert Einstein, and he speaks with a Russian accent, which is odd because the rest of his family has no such accent.

Yumi Yoshimura

In Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Yumi Yoshimura (Grey DeLisle) is a tough and sarcastic punk rocker based on one of the real life Japanese pop duo Puffy AmiYumi. She loves anything tough including ninjas, monster trucks, and car crushers.

Dexter’s Mom

In Dexter’s Lab, Mom (voiced by Kath Soucie) is Dexter and Dee Dee’s mother. She is a busy housewife and a bit of a germaphobe, who can always be seen in a pair of yellow rubber gloves keeping the house sparkling clean.

Daisuke Jigen

Jigen Daisuke is the partner and close friend of master thief Lupin III from the Lupin III anime/manga/movie series. An expert marksman, he is said to never miss a shot. Traveling across the globe, Jigen has garnered fame as a gunman with a wildly capable speed and accuracy. Crown optional for Castle of Cagliostro fans.

Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama

Mob is the protagonist of the MOB PSYCHO 100 webcomic and anime series. He is an 8th grader with strong psychic abilities. He hides his emotions to keep his powers in check, and he rarely uses them. He works alongside Reigen, professional con artist and self proclaimed psychic expert. Together the two serve as the cheapest but strangely most efficient exorcism team in Japan. When Mob’s percentage reaches 100, he ‘explodes’, resulting in spiky hair and uncontrollable anger. Spiked wig optional for this version of Mob.

Mob Psycho 100 is from the same creator as One-Punch Man which means it can make for a cool duo cosplay.

Robert E.O. Speedwagon

Robert Edward O. Speedwagon is one of the major allies in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood and Part 2: Battle Tendency. He starts the series as a street urchin but quickly becomes Jonathan Joestar’s closest friend. Eventually he forms the Speedwagon Foundation, which assists the Joestar family even after his death from Part 2 to Part 6. Initially a comic relief character, he grows into arguably the most loyal and important side character in the whole franchise. He even plays a key role in the video game spin off JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven and is playable in it. Because of all this, he is universally beloved in the fandom and he makes for an easy beginner JoJo cosplay. Could go nicely with a Young Jonathan Joestar cosplay

For hats you can choose his default bowler hat (with 3 red feathers on the left side) from the first half of Part 1 or the Zeppeli hat from the second half. To make Zeppeli hat, combine checker fabric with stovepipe hat.
Sledge hammer optional.

Billy & Mandy

In The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, the slow-witted Billy and cynical Mandy win a limbo game to save Billy’s pet hamster, and gain the Grim Reaper as their best friend in eternal servitude and slavery.

Greg Universe

Greg Universe is the father of Steven Universe, from a relationship with Rose Quartz, and owner of a small car wash. He was once somewhat important to the Crystal Gems, but today he is no longer need. Quite sad if I do say so myself.

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