Angus from The Loud House Movie
In The Loud House Movie, Angus (voiced by David Tennant) is the groundskeeper of Castle Loud. He meets the Loud family during their family trip to Scotland in The Loud House Movie. He appoints himself as Lincoln‘s right-hand man when he is appointed Duke of Loch Loud. Angus has brown hair and a bushy mustache. He wears a kilt, sporran, and tall socks with flashes. The rest of his attire consists of a tan plaid shirt, an olive khaki vest, and dark brown shoes.
Groundskeeper from Untitled Goose Game
In Untitled Goose Game, you as the goose must steal a set of keys from the groundskeeper and lock him out of his own garden. Completing this mission will require stealth and guile on your part. Use the brown face paint to color your nose to match the game’s coloring book aesthetics.