jill ireland

Leila Kalomi from Star Trek

Leila Kalomi (Jill Ireland) was a character in Star Trek: The Original Series, namely in the episode “This Side of Paradise.” Leila was a human botanist in Elias Sandoval’s Omicron colony. When the Starship Enterprise lands in 2261, Leila developed feelings for Spock.  Three years later, she discovered the spores, which protected the planet from deadly rays but also enchanted the colonists into a state of tranquility. She used the spores on Spock as a love potion, yet Captain Kirk reversed the effect by making him angry. Leila attempted to reconcile with Spock, but realizing he was no longer under the spore’s effect, she experienced intense sadness, which reverses the effect too. She was later evacuated to Starbase 27 with the rest of the Omicron colonists.

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