Rasmus Hardiker

The Luminary from Dragon Quest XI

The Luminary (voiced by Mitsuki Saiga and Rasmus Hardiker) is the main protagonist of the video game Dragon Quest XI.  The reincarnation of an ancient hero, he sets out to fulfill his prophesied destiny when he turns sixteen.  The Luminary has brown hair that reaches his shoulders and wields a sword as his primary weapon.  His costume consists of green boots, brown pants, a grey undershirt, and a purple tunic. Finding an exact match for his shoes is especially difficult, so decide whether you like the cut or color best and then find shoes that suit that need.  Finish your look with a belt, a sword holster, and a satchel.

Spencer Wright from Dude, That’s My Ghost!

Spencer Wright (voiced by Rasmus Hardiker) is one of the two main protagonists in the Disney cartoon series, Dude, That’s My Ghost! along with Billy Joe Cobra.

Spencer has a huge passion for filmmaking, and a fascination with creating and watching horror movies. He is one of the few people that can see Billy, as he and his friends have an item that Billy owned when he was alive that allows them to interact with him.

He has light brown loosely spiked hair, and cartoon typical black eyes. The shirt he wears is a baseball style tee, white with red sleeves and a ghost iron-on image on the front. He has standard blue jeans, green and orange sneakers, and carries around his camcorder that he uses for his movies pretty much everywhere he goes.

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