Scott McCord
Trent from Total Drama Island
Trent (voiced by Scott McCord) is a member of team Screaming Gophers in the Cartoon Network show Total Drama Island. Some of Trent’s teammates include Gwen, Cody, Heather, Lindsay, and Owen. Trent is a relatively laidback contestant and a straight-A student who becomes close with Gwen early on in the competition. Trent’s costume includes black jeans, green sneakers, and a camouflage long sleeved shirt. To make the green t-shirt he layers on top, don’t be afraid to get a little messy and tap into your childhood artistry by painting your hand with black fabric paint and pressing the design onto your shirt. Just be sure to allow plenty of time for it dry before you have to wear it!
Skull Boy from Ruby Gloom
Skull Boy (voiced by Scott McCord) is a character in the cartoon Ruby Gloom. With no clear idea on who his family is, he is in a constant state of change. Some days he believes he is descended from a long line of actors and the next he is descended from astronomers. This leads to many, many costume changes. But through them all, there is one outfit he comes back to and it is this one. Ox blood converse, grey jeans, a teal belt with large skull belt buckle, a black turtleneck, and fingerless gloves.
Cosplayers can opt for a full mask like the one pictured – one that’s more silly than scary just like Skull Boy himself – or they use makeup and/or prosthetics to achieve the character’s bony appearance.