
Noé Archiviste from The Case Study of Vanitas

Noé (voiced in Japanese by Kaito Ishikawa and in English by Stephen Fu) is one of the main protagonists in the anime/manga series The Case Study of Vanitas, as well as the narrator of the story.

He is a vampire and Vanitas‘ traveling companion, showing interest in his mission in curing vampires that have fallen to the Malnomen curse. While traveling, he’s interested in seeing how the ‘Book of Vanitas’ that the other carries works, as he first went looking after it to research it.

Noé has greyish-white semi-short hair, worn slightly in his face, and light lavender eyes. His usual outfit consists of a long sleeved, dark grey button up shirt, worn with a large black bow ribbon around his neck, and a white and lavender vest over top, with white gloves covering his hands. He also wears a pair of white slacks, held up with a black belt, and knee-high black riding boots. Occasionally he also wears a long white traveling coat over his regular clothes, in addition to a tall white top hat with a purple band and gold/glass details.

Star from The Lost Boys

The movie might have been titled The Lost Boys but Jami Gertz stole every scene as the vampire coven’s one woman, Star. She looks after Laddie and is supposed to be with David. That is until Michael comes along and changes everything.

Star’s look is one that was popular with certain groups in the ’80s. She wears her long dark curls loose and opts for a flowing maxi skirt and simple tank top to combat the California heat. Her sandals aren’t ideal for the motorcycle rides her coven is fond of but she makes them work. With her shawl, jingling belt, and stack of bracelets, she is a lowkey beauty on the boardwalk.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy is a cheerleader turned butt-kicking slayer who found a home in Sunnydale, right on top of the Hellmouth. When she’s not taking out vamps or other nasties, she loves spending time with pals Willow and Xander or training in the library with Giles. Everyone knows (even vampires), if you’re smart you’ll be sure to side with The Chosen One.

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