
Tashi from Challengers

Tashi Duncan is the main character in the new film Challengers, and is played by Zendaya. Challengers is a drama/ romance film that centers around Tashi who after a career-ending injury, becomes a tennis coach and mentor for her husband Art Donaldson. They encounter a former lover of Tashi’s, Patrick Zweig as they prepare for their upcoming match.

To dress like Tashi as a tennis champion, wear a white preppy tennis dress and carry a tennis racket. In her iconic coaching look from the trailer, she wears a blue shirt dress that ties at the waist with rounded black sunglasses. In one dressy outfit she wears a blue glittery sleeveless mini dress. You can also wear this grey t-shirt that reads “I TOLD YA” that is just like the one from the film.

Chani Kynes from Dune

Chani Kynes (played by Zendaya) is a Fremen from the planet of Arrakis in the sci-fi movie Dune.  Chani’s people have lost their lands to colonizers in search of spice melenge, and she appears in visions had by Paul Atreides long before they meet.  Chani’s primary attire consists of a stillsuit, designed to help a person survive the difficult climate of Arrakis by recycling sweat and tears into drinking water.  You can make your own stillsuit using padded tactical pants and gloves, as well as a motorcycle or paintball jacket.  Your scarf can help strategically cover the parts of the jacket that don’t match the original as well.  In Paul’s visions, Chani often wears a long white robe or dress.  One of the Fremen’s defining features are their bright blue eyes, a side effect of long-term exposure to spice.  If you plan to wear blue contacts as part of your costume, it’s best to have yourself fitted by an eye doctor to make sure you have the right size and they don’t cause any damage.


K.C. Cooper from K.C. Undercover

K.C. Cooper (Zendaya) is the main character of the Disney Channel series, K.C. Undercover. The plot follows K.C. Cooper, who seems like a normal tomboyish high schooler, but she’s actually an undercover spy. Both of her parents are spies and she aspires to follow in their footsteps. After successfully completing her first mission, she joins the spy network called The Organization. Smart and sharp-witted, her talents range from mathematics to basketball. Not to mention she is a black belt in martial arts. Even with these many skills, K.C. prioritizes academics, and prefers studying over partying. In fact, she has a genius level intellect!

Rue Bennett from Euphoria

Rue Bennet played by Zendaya is the main protagonist of Euphoria. She is commonly the narrator of the show and we as the viewer know her perspective first and foremost. Rue spent last summer in rehab after almost losing her life from an overdose. She has suffered from addiction since she was a preteen but it is just now coming to the attention of her family. After rehab, she wants to keep using. When she first meets Jules she is still using but soon begins to want sobriety. Rue dresses casually with mostly plainclothes and one item that is heavily patterned. She wears minimal makeup besides glitter under her eyes dripping down in almost a tear like stream.

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