Tiara Minamoto from Toilet Bound Hanako-kun Costume

Tiara Minamoto from Toilet Bound Hanako-kun

Tiara (voiced in Japanese by Misaki Kuno and in English by Macy Anne Johnson) is part of the Minamoto family in the anime/manga Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun.

She is the youngest sibling of the family, and the only girl, but is much stronger than both of her brothers (Kou and Teru) despite being only 5 years old. Also able to see the spirits around her, she's wrangled one of the Mokke into being her reluctant pet, subsequently naming it 'Fairy'.

Tiara has vibrant multi-toned blueish teal eyes, and fluffy golden blonde hair that reaches down to her waist and is worn up in two tiny pigtails at the sides of her head. She appears to have a small set of fangs. For the main outfit we've seen for her so far in the anime, she wears a simple light green dress with frilled out partial sleeves and a matching lower hem. Her shoes are brown sandals with one flat strap across the end of her foot, and a little flower design across that.

Tiara Minamoto from Toilet Bound Hanako-kun Costume 1234567

About the Author


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie! I'm a 30 year old Washington-based nonbinary cosplayer that's been in the scene for the past 17-ish years! My passions are cosplaying, drawing, and playing video games, with the occasional writing dabbling (outside of articles) on the side~

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