Tiny Tina from Tiny Tina’s Wonderland Costume

Tiny Tina from Tiny Tina’s Wonderland

Tiny Tina (voiced by Ashley Burch) is an NPC from the Broderlands game franchise who's received her own game in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.  Tiny Tina is a teenage explosives expert with an eccentric look to match.  To recreate her costume, you'll need a little patience and plenty of layering.  Starting with your main outfit, you'll want to put a brown tank top and skirt over your pink counterparts.  Don't be afraid to distress the brown skirt a little to get closer to her look.  She also wears a pair of asymmetrical brown knickers and mismatched shoes.  To match the look of her lower body, wear a baggy white sock on one foot and put two pink legwarmers on the other side to make it appear thicker.  Tiny Tina also wears an arm sleeve on her right side and an orange bandana around her neck, as well as plenty of sloppily placed bandages.  Top the look off with a pink wizard hat and bunny ears.  Though they won't completely match the creepy rabbit head she wears in the game, you can cut slits into the hat for the ears so they stand to their fullest height.

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Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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