Stu Price from The Hangover

In the The Hangover 2, Ed Helms’ character, Dr. Stu Price, gets a face tattoo a la Mike Tyson. The use of this face tattoo in the film actually launched a real life lawsuit between the tattoo artist and Warner Bros. Get your Stu costume together with a pair of wire frame eyeglasses, a business casual plaid short sleeve shirt, and khakis then stick a tribal temporary tattoo on the side of your face. For extra laughs, black out one of your front teeth to mimic Helms’ self-mutilation in the original The Hangover.


In the Hangover Part 3, John Goodman plays crime boss Marshall. He has 21 million dollars stolen from him by Chow, and takes Doug hostage until he can get his money back. Having an angry John Goodman crouching over you is not a good situation.

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