Sylvie from Loki
Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) is a character in Loki on Disney+. She is the rogue variant that the TVA has been trying to track down. Loki is the only one who can stop her because she is a variant of himself. However, she hates being referred to as Loki, and has decided her name is Sylvie. Her magical ability is enchantment, which manifests as green orbs from her hands. Along with the accurate name, we can assume this is Enchantress, who studied as a sorcerer under Loki in the comics. Now stuck on the planet Lamentis, the two must work together to escape. While Sylvie’s outfit resembles her “original” character, her helmet has a broken horn to symbolize her uniqueness.
Red Rush from Invincible
Red Rush is a character in the animated and comic-book series, Invincible. His real name is Josef, a Russian speedster and a member of the original Guardians of the Globe. His name comes from the color of his suit and his superpower. He is betrayed and murdered by Omni-Man, who he previously considered an ally. His wife, Olga, mourns him. Michael Cudlitz voices Red Rush on the series now streaming on Amazon Prime.
Flora Wingrave from The Haunting of Bly Manor
Flora Wingrave (played by Amelie Smith) is the precious younger sister of Miles in the Netflix series The Haunting of Bly Manor. Flora quickly befriends Dani Clayton when she arrives at Bly as the new governess. She is a sweet child, though she can at times be rather off-putting and even a bit frightening. Flora’s costumes often revolve around a sweet purple and pink palette, making for a “perfectly splendid” range of options to choose from when recreating her look.
Peppermint Fizz
Peppermint Fizz is a character in the Strawberry Shortcake television series. At first, she is an antiheroine, as her determination and stubbornness drives her to cheat to get her way. Her demeanor changes once Raspberry Torte and Lime Light become the new bullies, and Peppermint redeems herself. As a result, she becomes best friends with Strawberry Shortcake. She is also friends with the girls in year four. Her pet is a chameleon named Cola. The animation featured in this costume guide is from the 2007 version. Tie the wig back into a ponytail with a red scrunchie. To finish the look, apply pink blush to the apples of your cheeks.
Jonah from Mystery Science Theater 3000
In the not too distant future, Jonah Heston takes over as the human test subject in the renewal of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The first episode explains he was formerly an ore transporter and inventor for Gizmonic Institute. A perceived emergency brings him to a moon station, but it was a trick from the new villains! He is then transported to the original spaceship to renew the torture. Like Joel, he will be forced to watch bad sci-fi movies until he goes insane. Fortunately, the original robots are there to provide humor and companionship. Jonah hosted the show from 2017-2018.
Kanata and Kuina Ubuyashiki
Kuina and Kanata Ubuyashiki are minor characters in the hit anime Demon Slayer. They are the twin daughters of Kayaga Ubuyashiki, and accompany him wherever he goes. Even the hashira must show respect to Kuina and Kanata. Tanjiro and Zenitsu first meet the twins during the final selection as they calmly explain the fatal consequences of the exam. Both girls are almost identical, except Kanata has white hair and Kuina has black hair.
Darkwing from Invincible
Darkwing is a character in the animated and comic book series, Invincible. His real identity is a secret, but his resemblance to Batman is quite uncanny. He is a member of the original Guardians of the Globe. His powers include gadgetry, namely with magnetic bombs, grappling hooks, and a hoverboard in his arsenal. He is also skilled at hand to hand combat. Like the other Guardians, Darkwing is betrayed and murdered by Omni-Man. Lennie James voices this character on the show now streaming on Amazon Prime.
Phil and Lil DeVille from Rugrats
Phil and Lil DeVille (both voiced bath Kath Soucie) are the troublemaking twins of Betty and Howard DeVille on the Nickelodeon show Rugrats. Phil and Lil are alike in almost every way, including how they dress. Their pink shirts and rubber-duck adorned shirts make for a fun and colorful costume for a couple or a pair of friends.
Duncan from Total Drama Island
Duncan was a contestant on Total Drama Island. He was a part of the Killer Bass. He is the quintessential bad boy with dyed hair and piercings who enjoys breaking the rules. In spite of his mean attitude and demeanor, Duncan is actually good at heart. He displays his kindness to help some of his teammates, which impresses the preppy Courtney. They soften towards each other and eventually begin a romantic relationship. He places fourth in the first series. In the spinoffs, he’s a finalist in Total Drama Action. He then appears in Total Drama-All Stars, and he was forced to return to Total Drama World Tour.
Joel from Mystery Science Theater 3000
In the not too distant future, there lives a man named Joel Robison, who is the main character of Mystery Science Theater 3000. He works at Gizmonic Institute as the janitor. His evil bosses shoot him into space and force him to watch cheesy science fiction movies. To try and remain sane, he builds sentient robots from old spaceship parts. Two of these bots, Crow and Tom Servo, watch the movies with Joel, and they all make wisecracks at the bad acting and storylines. The other two bots, GPC and Cambot, run production and camerawork. Joel is the first human test subject, and appears in the first 107 episodes before Mike takes his place.