Wes from Love, Death, & Robots
In the first episode of the animated scifi anthology series Love, Death, and Robots, called Sonnie’s Edge, Wes (voiced by Omid Abtahi) along with Ivrina are friends of Sonnie. After they find Sonnie brutally assaulted by a gang, Wes uses his hacking skills to transfer her consciousness into a bio-beast named Khanivore which battles in underground “beastie” deathmatches and seeks to exact revenge.
Wilma Flintstone
In The Flintstones, Wilma Flintstone is the red-headed wife of Fred Flintstone. Compared to her counterpart, she is strong-willed and level-headed. For this costume, cut a jagged serrated hem on the white dress for the best accuracy.
Rycroft Philostrate from Carnival Row
In the Amazon original series Carnival Row, Rycroft “Philo” Philostrate (Orlando Bloom) is the former lover of Vignette Stonemoss. Half-faery and half-human, he had his wings cut off when he was a baby so he could pass as full human. Philo works as an inspector of the Burgue who abhors the oppression of the fae on Carnival Row.
Mrs. Wheeler from Stranger Things
In Stranger Things, Karen Wheeler (Cara Buono) is the mother of Nancy and Mike Wheeler. Frustrated by her marriage to husband Ted, Karen and her mom-friends have a wandering eye for teen heartthrob Billy Hargrove, who works as a lifeguard at the Hawkins community pool, putting on makeup and jewelry to get his attention. Lookin’ good Mrs. Wheeler.
Vignette Stonemoss from Carnival Row
In the Amazon original series Carnival Row, Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevingne) a pixie fae and Rycroft Philostrate’s former lover. The Pact has destroyed the home of all faery-kind and left her for dead, so she understandably has an issue trusting humans.
Billy Butcher from The Boys
In the Amazon original series The Boys, Billy Butcher (Karl Urban) is a former CIA operative turned cunning vigilante whose mission in life is to destroy all Supes, or superheroes. This is driven by his hatred for Homelander, who he blames for the death of his wife. Billy leads The Boys, a vigilante group that includes Mother’s Milk, Frenchie, and newest member Hughie Campbell. Billy’s key features include his near black beard and his fondness for dark-hued tropical shirts.
Gabe from Silicon Valley
In Silicon Valley, Gabe (Aristotle Athiras) is a later employee of Pied Piper on Dinesh’s team. He’s weird and needy, working barefoot and cleaning his toenails, pestering Dinesh for the same info repeatedly, and setting up in his wearable chair right in front of him until he gets what he needs.
Sid the Science Kid
Sid the Science Kid is an inquisitive youngster who wants to know everything about everything. His greatest wish is to be a scientist when he grows up. Sid is the star of his own show on PBS Kids, produced by the Jim Henson Company.
Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders
In Peaky Blinders, Thomas “Tommy” Shelby (Cillian Murphy) is the leader of a gang in 1920s Birmingham England. After he returned from World War I, where he was a decorated Sergeant Major, Tommy was disillusioned with war and determined to move the Shelby Family up in the world whatever it took.