Young Jonathan Joestar

Young Jonathan Joestar is the child version of the first protagonist of the long running action manga/anime series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, before becoming Adult Jonathon Joestar. Danny plush optional, but keep him away from any bitter blonde stepbrothers!

Elizabeth Liones

In Seven Deadly Sins, Elizabeth Liones is the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, an adopted daughter of King Liones, and is originally from the kingdom of Danafor. She is working as a waitress at Boar Hat Bar when she joins Meliodas in his journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins.

Barbara Holland

In Stranger Things, Barbara “Barb” Holland (Shannon Purser) vanishes which results in her best friend Nancy Wheeler investigating her disappearance. It’s not until Eleven astral projects to the Upside Down that we learn her ultimate fate.

Pablo Escobar

The Netflix original series Narcos tells the tale of Pablo Escobar (Wagner Moura), the notorious Colombian drug kingpin who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine. Though he looks like a harmless middle-aged man, he was directly and indirectly responsible for hundreds of killings.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump an American businessman, television host, author, and politician with a larger than life personality. He shocked America when he announced his candidacy for U.S. President, and America shocked the world when they gave him the Republican nomination.

Android 18

In Dragon Ball Z, Android #18 was forcibly turned into a cyborg by Dr. Gero in his fight against Goku. She is introduced wearing a denim jacket and skirt, but gains a new outfit from going through his wife Chi-Chi’s closet.

Conan Edogawa

In the manga and anime Detective Conan, Conan Edogawa is the alias used by Shinichi Kudo in his shrunken form. Shinichi took the appearance of his younger self after being exposed to a prototype poison that de-aged his body but preserved his personality, memories, and incredible deductive ability.


Dilbert is the main character in the eponymous comic strip written and illustrated by Scott Adams. He’s an engineer who suffers a micromanaged, bureaucratic office environment, at least from 9 to 5.


In Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas is the captain and the main protagonist. Despite looking like a child, he is over three thousand years old, and is utterly fearless in the face of danger.

Hilda from Pokemon

In Pokemon Black and White, Hilda (or Touko) is a Pokemon trainer from Nuvema Town. She embarks on a journey to collect Pokemon with her childhood friends Cheren and Bianca.

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