Donna Noble from Doctor Who (2023)

Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) is a character in Doctor Who. She was a former companion of the 10th doctor. Sassy and defiant, Donna was his best friend. After absorbing the meta crisis, she became DoctorDonna, a human with the mind of a Time Lord. Yet knowing this would kill her, the Doctor erased her memories of their adventures. Later, the 14th doctor meets Donna again, along with her new husband and daughter, Rose. In passing some of the meta crisis onto her daughter, she’s able to survive and befriend the Doctor again. Now they’re traveling together like old times.

The 14th Doctor

The 14th Doctor is the current iteration of the Doctor. When the 13th Doctor regenerated at Durdle Door, the next incarnation took on a familiar face – aka David Tennant, who previously portrayed the 10th Doctor. Both fans and the Time Lord alike were baffled. The three episode special for the 60th anniversary features the 14th Doctor and another familiar face – Donna Noble, a former companion of the 10th doctor. Ncuti Gatwa will portray the 15th Doctor, but as Riversong says – spoilers!

Sanji from One Piece (Live Action)

Sanji is a character in One Piece. Callous yet charming, Sanji is a master chef and martial artist. He primarily uses his legs in combat, a technique from his mentor and head chef Zeff. His goal is to find the All Blue, a mythical sea that merges the four seas together. And of course, he wants to cook quality meals for everyone. Sanji loves women, though he is not creepy or perverse like in the anime. the 2023 live action Netflix adaptation, Taz Skylar portrays Sanji.

OB from Loki (Season 2)

OB is a character from the 2nd season of the Marvel series Loki, and is played by Ke Huy Quan. OB is a new character introduced this season and we see him working at the TVA (Time Variance Authority) in his own workshop where we see him meet and help Mobius and Loki.

OB wears a pair of brown coveralls with green detail, patches, and some distressing to the fabric from his many projects. He pairs this with black framed glasses, a button down shirt, and often carries an orange TVA notebook. This can be created by taking brown coveralls, painting the upper area on the chest and the cuffs of the sleeves with green fabric paint, a watered down wash of deep brown paint for the darker areas, the patch of the three gears on the front of his coveralls can be created by drawing or painting the design on iron-on transfer material, then cutting out the ‘patch’ and then simply iron on the coveralls. For the orange notebook, you can take a blank orange book and paint or draw the TVA logo on the cover, or cut and glue with paper. If you’d like to add even more to this costume, you can layer a utility/ gardening apron with pockets for tools.

rita loud from the loud house

Rita Loud from The Loud House

Rita Loud (voiced by Jill Talley) is the mother of Lincoln and his siblings in the animated series The Loud Family.  She loves her husband Lynn, Sr. and is caring toward her children, though she can be strict when she needs to be.  Rita has blonde hair with bangs.  She wears small white studs and lipstick.  Her outfit consists of black flats, brown cropped pants, and a coral-colored sweater layered over a white button-down.

The Beast from Over the Garden Wall

The Beast is the primary antagonist in the Cartoon Network miniseries, Over the Garden Wall. He lurks in the Unknown, cloaked in shadow, with two glowing eyes. Black turtles indicate his presence. He speaks in a deep voice, and sings “Come Wayward Souls.” He influences the Woodsman to do his bidding under the premise of protecting his daughter’s soul in the lantern. In the final episode, the Beast tries to capture Greg’s soul to turn into a tree. Wirt realizes the Beast’s soul is trapped in the lantern all along and destroys it, defeating the Beast. References to Dante’s Inferno equate the Beast with Lucifer.

1893 Mobius from Loki (Season 2)

Mobius is a character from the Marvel series Loki, and is played by Owen Wilson. Mobius works at the TVA (Time Variance Authority) and in the new season 2, really secures his place as a duo alongside Loki. In one episode called 1893 in season 2, Loki and Mobius are searching for He Who Remains and find themselves in 1893 at Chicago’s Fair. Their costumes change when entering this time period to match the setting.

Mobius wears a lighter brown or gray tweed, three-piece suit with a brown hat, white rounded collar dress shirt, and a plaid tie that has green to tie into Loki’s green ascot tie. Make a popcorn holder out of rolled brown paper and a piece of tape, and maybe even yellow torn and crumpled pieces of paper to glue in as the popcorn, to add as a prop. This would make such a fun and unique take on the Mobius and Loki duo costume.

kazuma satou from konosuba

Kazuma Satou from KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!

Kazuma Satou (voiced by Fukkushima Jun and Arnie Pantoja) is the main character of KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!  Kazuma was a lazy student who loved playing video games.  When he dies, he is transported to a fantasy world where he fights the Devil King alongside his allies Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin.  Kazuma has messy brown hair and wears a white tunic, dark pants, brown boots, and a green cloak.

Nami from One Piece (Live Action)

Nami is a character in One Piece. She’s a thief in search of a map to the Grand Line, where the One Piece is rumored to be. Her goal is to navigate and map out the entire world. Her personality is enigmatic, and she often reacts with aggressive indifference. In the 2023 live action Netflix adaptation, Emily Rudd portrays Nami.

1893 Loki from Loki (Season 2)

Loki is the lead character from the popular Marvel series, and is played by Tom Hiddleston. In one episode called 1893 in the new season 2, Loki and Mobius are searching for He Who Remains and find themselves in 1893 at Chicago’s Fair. Their costumes change when entering this time period to match the setting.

Loki wears a deep gray three-piece suit along with a white collared shirt, and a green cravat tie, that still ties in his iconic green color palette. He also wears a bowler hat, a small gold tie pin, and a gold chain on his vest. Make a popcorn holder out of rolled brown paper and a piece of tape, and maybe even yellow torn and crumpled pieces of paper to glue in as the popcorn, to add as a prop. This would make such a fun and unique take on the Mobius and Loki duo costume.

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