Vanessa Marianna-Fisk from Daredevil DIY Costume Guide
Vanessa Marianna - later Vanessa Marianna-Fisk - is the lover-turned-wife of Daredevil's antagonist, Wilson Fisk. Played by Ayelet Zurer she is the epitome of class and grace. From her position as an art dealer to her selectively minimal tastes she is a perfect match for Fisk is nearly every way though she lacks his more bloodthirsty tendencies.
Although Vanessa wears several different costumes they are all streamlined, minimalist, and well-fitted. She also wears white more and more often the longer she is with Fisk which was a deliberate choice by costuming. To that end, a white pencil dress and white heels are a good option for a Vanessa cosplay. A set of elegant gold earrings and a long gold necklace round out the accessories while her signature highlighted hair and some delicate makeup complete the look as a whole
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