Rose Quartz DIY Costume Guide

Rose Quartz

In Steven Universe, Rose Quartz is the founder of the Crystal Gems, who becomes involved with a human, eventually giving birth to her son, Steven Universe. As her name implies, she's known for her rose colored hair, dress, weapons, and gemstone.

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About the Author


Dr. Mario addict and wannabe weight-lifter.

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  1. You’re seriously trying to sell off a petticoat as a skirt for cosplay? really? Wow.

  2. Great idea!

  3. SammySnow June 14, 2016 Reply

    I fell like the gem is purple. Not pink.

  4. would you just wear the petticoat like a skirt? i dont think that would work

  5. The patch listed here is barely 3/8 of an inch bigger than the gem. FYI.

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