Amenadiel from Lucifer DIY Costume Guide

Amenadiel from Lucifer

Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) is a main character on Lucifer. He is an archangel and Lucifer's older brother. He was also the angel who helped Penelope Decker give birth to Chloe. He arrives in Los Angeles to convince Lucifer to go back to Hell, as his absence will create chaos. In failing this, he stays to help his brother become a better individual. Amenadiel plays by the rules and strives to stay on the path that their dad (aka God) has created. He is well-meaning and moral, though can sometimes be blissfully unaware of human practicalities. Like his brother, the longer he remains on Earth, the more human he becomes. In season four, Amenadiel and Dr. Linda have a baby named Charlie, who is mortal like his mother. This is his outfit when he first encounters Lucifer on Earth.

Amenadiel from Lucifer Costume 12345678

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Cosplayer, creative writer, cookie connoisseur. Pronouns: she/they.

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