Posts by Tom

Panda from Watchmen

In Watchmen, Panda (Jacob Ming-Trent) is a detective of the Tulsa Police Department in charge of permitting police officers to unlock their service weapons. He is a pencil pusher who is very by-the-books, which draws the ire of the other officers. To complete the look, add plenty of dirt and grime to the panda mask, and fill the binder with mind-numbing paperwork.

Hooded Justice from Watchmen

In Watchmen, Hooded Justice, real identity Will Reeves, is the first ever masked vigilante, a charter member of the Minutemen, and the inspiration for many of the earliest superheroes. He wears a black hood and noose around his neck, evocative of both a medieval executioner and the Ku Klux Klan members he fights against. He deals his own brand of justice with great brutality.

Luna Lovegood Lion-Hat from Harry Potter

Lion-Hat Luna Lovegood from Order of the Phoenix

Luna Lovegood’s (Evanna Lynch) magical lion hat first makes its appearance in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and later in the Half-Blood Prince. Luna wears her homemade fake stuffed hat, which lets out a loud realistic roar with a tap of the wand, to show her support for the Gryffindor Quidditch team against the Slytherin team, even though she’s from Ravenclaw.

Lube Man from Watchmen

Lube Man from Watchmen

In Watchmen, Lube Man is a mysterious character who wears reflective goggles and head-to-toe shiny silver body suit. When Angela Abar a.k.a. Sister Night discovers that he’s spying on her, she gives chase. But Lube Man makes a slick escape when he sprays himself with a slippery substance and then slides into a tiny sewer opening. For full accuracy with the bodysuit, cut out eye and mouth holes in its hood, and dip its fingers in black dye.

Red Scare from Watchmen

Red Scare from Watchmen

In Watchmen, Red Scare (Andrew Howard) is a Tulsa Police detective who wears a red tracksuit and speaks with a Russian accent. His true identity and past are unknown, but he’s presumed to be from a Soviet bloc country with a communist background. Red Scare often uses his large, robust build and a bullhorn to intimidate his enemies.

Mr. Nancy from American Gods

Mr. Nancy from American Gods

In American Gods, Mr. Nancy (Orlando Jones) is Anansi, an old trickster spider god from Ghanaian folklore who likes to make fun of people’s stupidity. Mr. Nancy tends to dress up in fancy suits with colorful, attention-grabbing colors and patterns.

Looking Glass from Watchmen

Looking Glass from Watchmen

In HBO’s Watchmen, Looking Glass (Tim Blake Nelson) is the alter ego of Wade Tillman, a detective of the Tulsa Police Department. He has the special ability of deductive analysis, being able to tell if someone is telling the truth or not, which comes in handy when he acts as an interrogator. Looking Glass dresses casually, aside from the shiny “reflectatine” mask that protects his mind from psychic blasts. To make the mask, cut the hood from the silver full body suit.

Elijah Price from Glass

Elijah Price from Glass

In Unbreakable and Glass, Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson) is the alter ego assumed by Elijah Price, an intelligent comic book enthusiast with Type I osteogenesis imperfecta who is revealed to be a mass murderer and the mastermind behind the train crash involving David Dunn. Mr. Glass uses purple prominently as his supervillain color.

Howard Ratner from Uncut Gems

Howard Ratner from Uncut Gems

In Uncut Gems, Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler) is a New York City jewelry dealer and gambling addict. Ratner gets in over his head with loan sharks, and is forced to retrieve a rare and valuable black opal he purchased in order to pay back his debts. As you might expect from someone from the Diamond District, gold and diamonds feature heavily in Ratner’s outfit, including a fully iced out Furby necklace.

Roz from Monsters, Inc.

Roz from Monsters, Inc.

In Pixar’s Monsters, Inc., Roz is a slug-like monster that is in charge of the CDA, and as such, holds all the keys to the children’s closet doors at Monsters, Inc. Roz is ever the bureaucrat, always grumpy and blasé that someone has not submitted the proper paperwork, although she reveals a softer side when she lets Sulley say his goodbyes to Boo.

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