Posts by Tom
Selene from Underworld
In Underworld, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) dedicates her life to avenging her family’s gruesome murders. As a Death Dealer, she is among the vampires’ fighting elite, committed to exterminating the Lycans, who she believes to be responsible, as a species.
Man in Black
In Westworld, the Man in Black (Ed Harris) is a mysterious Guest who takes his violence and sadism to the next level. He seems to be searching for something deeper in the park, but what that means remains to be seen.
Alex Weiss
In Tomb Raider, Alex Weiss is a young hacker and electronics geek who is extremely smart albeit lazy. He uses his gifts to make a living through dodgy enterprises. Alex is shown to have a crush on Lara Croft, who in turn considers him to be strange but sweet.
Severus Snape
In the Harry Potter series, Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) is a professor for the Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. His sarcastic and cold demeanor masks a complex person with enigmatic personality, and it’s never clear where his true loyalties lie.
The Shadow
Lamont Cranston (Alec Baldwin) is an American who sets up as an opium kingpin in Tibet after the Great War when a holy man abducts him and offers him the chance to become a force for good. He accepts, returning to New York living alternately as a millionaire playboy and The Shadow, an anonymous vigilante who terrorizes criminals. As you might guess, The Shadow was the main inspiration for Batman.
Frank West in Dead Rising 4
In Dead Rising 4, Frank West is a photographer looking for the next big scoop when he stumbles upon some strange events in the small town of Willamette, Colorado. After fending off a major zombie attack, he must return during the Christmas season to fight off another outbreak.
Doctor Strange
After a car accident ends Doctor Stephen Strange’s (Benedict Cumberbatch) career as a neurosurgeon, he embarks on a journey of healing in the Far East. There he encounters the Ancient One, who teaches him the mystical arts, with some help from the Cloak of Levitation and Eye of Agamotto.
15 Most Popular Costumes of 2016
Wondering what are the hottest costumes of 2016? Here are our top picks, informed by Google search data. Only specific […]