Caesar Zeppeli DIY Costume Guide

Caesar Zeppeli

Caesar Zeppeli is a supporting character in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency. He is the grandson of Baron Zeppeli from Part 1, and he extremely proud of his family lineage. His special attack is Hamon Bubble Launcher. Confident and composed, Caesar is a foil to the brash Joseph Joestar. However, despite their initial differences, the two become close friends in their Hamon training with Lisa Lisa. The three make it their mission to defeat the Pillar Men. Replicate the headband by hot glueing a red gemstone and feather to each side of the headband near the ear. Use the face paint stick to draw a triangle above each cheekbone.

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About the Author


Cosplayer, creative writer, cookie connoisseur. Pronouns: she/they.

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