
Abby Hatcher from Nickelodeon’s Abby Hatcher

On the Nickelodeon show Abby Hatcher, Abby (voiced by Macy Drouin) is a precocious 7-year-old girl. She uses her Fuzzly Spotter to keep track of the Fuzzlies in her family’s hotel and help them when the need it. Her best friend is Bozzly, a rabbit Fuzzly who can make himself invisible and fly. Abby’s outfit consists of a black t-shirt with a pink heart, pink skirt, and lots of orange and purple details. If you don’t have a real Fuzzly Spotter, a purple or orange wristwatch would stand in pretty well.

Michiru from BNA: Brand New Animal

Michiru Kagemori is a lively high school student. She is a kind girl that show empathy towards beastmen and humans. Her attitude is very passionate, and slightly stubborn. She sticks to her gut feelings. Once human Michuri is now a beastman, and learning to adjust in BNA: Brand New Animal.

chiakinanami danganronpa chara

Chiaki Nanami

Chiaki Nanami is a character in the anime Danganronpa. She participates in the Killing School Trip in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Her title is Ultimate Gamer. Spoiler: Chiaki is actually an AI created by Alter Ego and Usami as the observer of the Neo World Program. She’s revealed as a traitor to save the other students from being executed. In the third installment, Chiaki has a real life counterpart.

Aquamarine Steven Universe

Aquamarine from Steven Universe

Aquamarine is an antagonist in the Cartoon Network show, Steven Universe. We first see her trick Connie and easily defeat Steven using her hair bow, which doubles as a wand. She was sent to Earth by the diamonds to collect more humans for their zoos. Like Lapis Lazuli, she has wings and harnesses the power of flight. Her petite and innocent appearance allows her to deceive humans, asking “are you my dad?” She then calls upon a Topaz fusion to absorb them and take them away. Use Spirit Gum to apply the gemstone onto your face. You can also draw it on with more face paint, mixing the aqua and white to get the right color.

caitlin cooke 6teen character

Caitlin Cooke from 6teen

Caitlin Cooke is a main character in the Cartoon Network show, 6teen. She loves shopping and boys. If she’s crying (and mascara streaks down her face), it’s probably over a breakup. In the beginning, Caitlin is naive and spoiled. However, she matures as the show progresses, such as developing a work ethic at the Main Squeeze. Although she can come off as self centered, she has proven time and time again that she can be a good friend. In fact, she is the most optimistic and caring out of the friend circle.

Rita from Jelly Jamm

Rita from Jelly Jamm

In Jelly Jamm, Rita (voiced by many performers depending on location but by Tara Strong on Disney Junior) is one of the adventurous children that lives on Jammbo. She is always eager to try new things which sometimes gets her into trouble. Her friends are usually along for the ride which means more adventures for everyone!

Dressing up as Rita is a very pink experience. You will need a pink wig, tights, gloves, and face paint to mimic her pink skin and hair. You might also have to paint your upper arms if you cannot find long enough gloves. If you go for a full face-paint kit you can use the white and black to paint your eyelids so they resemble Rita’s eyes. Her clothing is simple, consisting of dark pink Mary Janes and a matching dress with a white daisy on the chest.

Canon Human Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls

Canon Human Bill Cipher

On a charity stream, Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch sketched his headcanon of human Bill Cipher as a grotesque monster with snake eyes and rotten yellow teeth. This shook the fanbase who long depicted human Bill Cipher in their fan art as a svelte and suave human dressed to the nines.

Oono from Hi Score Girl

Oono Akira is a girl who doesn’t speak much. Despite not speaking much, she has very lively facial expressions. Oono does well in her studies and hobbies, especially gaming. She can be aggressive at times, but it’s mostly towards Haruo. Funnily, Haruo is someone who is good at reading Oono’s expressions, so they are friends. Oono and Haruo geek over games in Hi Score Girl.

Sypha Belnades from Castlevania

Sypha Belnades (played by Alejandra Reynoso in the Castlevania animated series) is a sorceress with control over the elements. Her people, the speakers, are a nomadic tribe of scholars and magicians. Syphas people were wrongly accused of causing Dracula’s mass murders of humans and therefor were mostly in hiding. Sypha herself presented as a young man so she would not be accused of being a witch. She met Trevor Belmont in The Catacombs after being turned back from stone once he killed the cyclops that attacked her. The two start working together shortly after and decide to start on a quest to kill Dracula and defeat his army. Sypha’s Costume requires a good amount of layering. I recommend turning the Teal Mesh Poncho Top inside out and cutting from the bottom along the seam until you reach the top of the shoulder. This will give more visibility to the layers underneath the poncho. Use the bandage wrap over her tank top which should be tucked into her skirt. This is a fun simple DIY costume that will be a great choice for any cosplay event.

Warden Wrath from The Owl House

Warden Wrath from The Owl House

Warden Wrath (voiced by Robert Craig Smith) is the head warden of the Conformitorium. As the name implies it is where “unruly” citizens go so that they may learn to conform to the way Warden Wrath thinks things ought to be. He is not someone you want to cross, after all. He can shapeshift and breathe fire, as well as do tremendous damage with his superior strength.

To get his fearsome look you need foundational garments of black scrub pants tucked into heeled boots and a tight-fitting undershirt with a black hood. Over that goes a white “mad scientist” coat belted around the waist with a black leather belt. Then you put in your plague mask and pull the hood up and you’re good to go!

You can take things a step further by getting long grey gloves to cover your hands and arms, the only exposed skin Warden Wrath has. Grey body paint can also help you get the same effect!

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