Gadget Hackwrench
In Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers, Gadget Hackwrench acts as the team’s pilot, mechanic, and jack of all trades. Not only is she the object of affection for Chip and Dale, but she’s worshipped by a Russian cult. Golly.
Monterey Jack
Monterey Jack, affectionately called Monty by the Rescue Rangers, is an Australian mouse with a taste for adventure and cheese. One whiff of cheddar and he’ll do anything — anything — to feed his insatiable addiction.
Dr. Nefario
Dr. Nefario is Gru’s gadget man. He’s the evil mastermind behind inventions such as the Freeze Ray and Big Blaster Cannon but only a true genius could come up with the Fart Gun and Boogie Bots.
Edith in Despicable Me
Edith is at first skeptical of Gru’s intentions but warms up to him after he makes her pancakes in the shape of dead bodies. Though Edith is a tomboy, she’s never seen without her pink hat on.
Invader Zim
When the Almighty Tallest sent Invader Zim to Earth they did so to keep him from interrupting Operation Impending Doom II. However, Zim took his mission to Earth seriously. He enrolled himself in elementary school and tried to appear as humanlike as possible by wearing a pompadour wig and contact lenses. Yet somehow only one person questioned Zim’s green skin.
If there is one thing to say of Dib, it’s that he has determination. He’s obsessed with the paranormal and self-conscious about the size of his head. Wearing a trench coat and a hairstyle that likely requires a lot of pomade, Dib is extremely unpopular in school. But who has time for popularity when there is an alien to catch?
Rainbow Brite
Rainbow Brite and the seven Color Kids live in Rainbow Land and must do everything in their power to fight off the evil King of Shadows. What else is there to say? In the ’80s when bright rainbow colors reigned, Rainbow Brite out-rainbowed them all.
Who didn’t want to be Jem during the 1980’s? The second Jerrica Benton touched her holographic earrings Syngergy transformed her into the dazzling rock star, Jem. Between running a foster program for teens, driving a sweet Rolls Royce, and romancing Rio it’s surprising that Jem found time for belting out tunes. But she and the Holograms managed to outperform the Misfits in every episode. And she did it wearing a lot of pink.
Wallace and Gromit
When Wallace and Gromit aren’t too busy eating Wensleydale cheese with tea, they can be found tweaking inventions like the Knit-O-Matic or BunVac 6000. Despite holding mundane side jobs such as window washing or baking, Wallace and Gromit’s lives always seem to be in danger when their inventions are used by others for nefarious purposes.