
Pakunoda from Hunter x Hunter

Pakunoda (voiced in Japanese by Romi Park, and in English by Erica Lindbeck) is part of the Phantom Troupe in the anime Hunter x Hunter.

She’s the gun expert of the Troupe and specializes in memory reading and recalling, and when not involved in criminal activities, she loves to spend time with cats.

Paku has brown eyes and middle parted neck-length blonde hair, and her usual outfit is a very open fronted purple suitjacket with a pinkish collar, a matching skirt, and slip-on shoes that match the color of the suit’s collar.

Anastasia’s Blue Boat Dress

Anastasia is the titular character of the 1997 semi-historically inspired movie from 20th Century Fox. Meg Ryan is her speaking voice, and Liz Callaway is her singing voice.

She has several outfits throughout the runtime of the movie, but this specific one is one that she wears during the dance she has on the boat with Dimitri.

It is a light blue, short sleeved dress with white cuffs that she wears a brown belt over at the waist, and a matching blue ribbon holds her long auburn hair back. Underneath it she wears a pair of black tights, with brown boots over top. Completing the outfit is a pair of pearl earrings, and the necklace she got from her grandmother as a child.

The dress that I linked in this article is custom from the Etsy seller ArtemisiaLaFee, so please do go check them out if you’re interested.

(Also a slightly funny anecdote, while I was writing this my mom came charging downstairs excitedly yelling that she had found our copy of the movie’s soundtrack on CD, unaware that I’d been writing about that exact thing.) 

Jon from Eddsworld

Jon (voiced by Eddie Bowley) was one of Edd‘s neighbors on the webtoon series Eddsworld.  Jon lived with Eduardo and Mark and is eventually killed by Tord‘s robot, returning as a ghost in a post-credits scene.  Jon had dark blonde hair pushed toward the front of his head and wore dark grey jeans with grey and white sneakers.  He typically wore a blue button-down over a grey t-shirt.  If you’d like a twist to the original design, dressing as Ghost Jon can be achieved with a little layering of teal clothes over a bodysuit and some creative sad face art skills using fabric markers.

Hawk Moth from Miraculous Ladybug

Hawk Moth from Miraculous Ladybug

In Miraculous Ladybug, Hawk Moth is the supervillain alter-ego of fashion designer Gabriel Agreste. He’s also the father of Adrien Agreste and arch-nemesis of both Adrien’s alter-ego, Cat Noir, and Ladybug. Whenever he controls someone with an Akuma, a bright pink butterfly shape appears on his face, which you can fabricate using the battery-powered pink neon rope.

sharon mcgee from the ghost and molly mcgee

Sharon McGee from The Ghost and Molly McGee

Sharon McGee (voiced by Sumalee Montano) is the mother of the titular Molly on the Disney Channel show The Ghost and Molly McGee.  Also the mother of Darryl and wife of Pete, Sharon is an artist who formerly attended law school.  She is hardworking and dedicated to her family, as well as careful with money.  Sharon wears dark blue jeans and mauve sneakers with a pale green cardigan.  Her gold necklace may be hard to find an exact match for, but a similarly geometric pendant necklace can do the trick.

Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler

Ciel Phantomhive (voiced in Japanese by Maaya Sakamoto and in English by Brina Palencia) is the main character in the anime Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler).

Despite being barely a teenager, Ciel is ruthless in getting what he wants, including going down illegal paths or enlisting the help of his battle trained staff, as well as his demon butler, Sebastian. He works as a watchdog for the Queen and heads the Funtom Corporation that he inherited after the murder of his family, which he is still seeking revenge for (though if you’re reading the manga, that’s become a bit tricky lately).

While the color changes a bit between different seasons and OVAs, his hair is usually a blueish grey in color, and he has one vibrant blue eye, with the other one hidden behind his usual eyepatch being a deep royal purple, the Faustian contract he shares with Sebastian overlaid on it.

Ciel has several outfits throughout the series, but this one in particular is one we see a bit more than others. Starting with the accessories, these don’t tend to change, he has blue stud earrings, a black eyepatch, and two family-associated rings. The outfit itself starts with a white button up shirt, a black bow at the front, a long blue coat with matching blue shorts, black socks held up with black sock garters, and then black and white heeled oxford saddle shoes.

Delilah Briarwood

Lady Delilah Briarwood is a character from Critical Role, a DnD campaign on Youtube. She is also a character in Legend of Vox Machina, the animated adaptation on Amazon Prime. She is a powerful human wizard and zealot of Vecna. Cunning and ruthless, Delilah is the mastermind behind the Briarwoods’ plans in Whitestone. Despite her cold nature, she genuinely loves her husband, Sylas, and remains devoted to him. As an NPC, this character is played by the dungeon master Matthew Mercer.

Sylas Briarwood

Sylas Briarwood is a character from Critical Role, a DnD campaign on Youtube. He is also a character in Legend of Vox Machina, the animated adaptation on Amazon Prime. He is a vampire who rules Whitestone alongside his wife, Delilah. Cruel and sinister, he will do anything to stay in power and serve Vecna. Despite his supernatural charm, Sylas has little empathy for others aside from his wife. As an NPC, this character is played by the dungeon master Matthew Mercer.

Nobimaru from Kemono Jihen

Nobimaru (voiced in Japanese by Hiro Shimono and in English by Kevin K. Gomez) is a complex character from the anime Kemono Jihen, that tends to ping-pong between the main group and the kitsunes.

He is in the employ of Lady Inari, who Kon used to be a subordinate to, but also tends to show up around Kabane and his friends to give them dubious help on occasion because he rather dislikes Lady Inari despite working for her.

Nobimaru has another form that hasn’t been shown yet in the anime (manga only), as well as his fox form, but the main one we see him in is a thirteen year old boy with blonde hair and golden brown eyes. He does also have a fox tail and ears, but he hides them within his outfit, hence the ear covers.

His main outfit consists of a greenish-yellow button up shirt, a pale yellow tie, black short shorts and a matching suit jacket, long white socks held up by black sock garters, and then light brown loafers.

Vax’ildan from Legend of Vox Machina

Vax’ildan or “Vax” is a character from Critical Role, a DnD campaign on Youtube, played by Liam O’Brien. He is also a character in Legend of Vox Machina, the animated adaptation on Amazon Prime. Vax is a half-elf rogue/paladin/druid party member of Vox Machina. He is the twin brother of Vex’ahlia, born and raised in Byroden, then taken to live in the elven city of Syngorn. But neither of them were happy there, so they left together to adventure. Joining Vox Machina, he came to possess the legendary Deathwalker’s Ward and Whisper to fight the Chroma Conclave. He sacrificed his life to the Raven Queen to save his sister, but the patron brought back him life to defeat Vecna. He abandoned his mortal form to become Champion of the Raven Queen.

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