Daenerys Targaryen

In Game of Thrones, Daenerys Stormborn (Emilia Clarke) is heir to the Targaryen Dynasty, commander of the Dothraki army, and mother to three dragons. And she wants the Iron Throne back. Style your silver locks like hers by watching this video and get your makeup just right with this Daenerys makeup tutorial.


Michonne roams the wasteland wielding a katana and two jawless zombies. But in a world where the slightest noise will attract hordes of walking dead, her greatest strength may be the lack of lines given to her in the script.

Chas Tenenbaum

As a child, Chas Tenenbaum was a business prodigy, making a fortune by breeding and marketing dalmatian mice. After losing his wife in a plane crash, he became obsessed with the safety of his sons Ari and Uzi, conducting fire safety drills in the middle of the night.

Richie Tenenbaum

Growing up, Richie Tenenbaum was a tennis prodigy and mediocre artist. He secretly falls in love with his adopted sister Margot, leading to a meltdown during a televised tennis tournament. He abandons his career and seeks refuge aboard the ocean liner Cote d’Ivoire.

Mega Man

Mega Man is a pretty cool dude. Before he was Mega Man he was originally known as Rock, a lab assistant. After volunteering to be transformed into a fighting robot, he set out on a mission to battle the mad scientist, Dr. Wily and stop him from taking over the planet.

Duke Nukem

When most people hear ‘The Duke’ they might think of a posh gentleman who drinks tea and plays polo. Well, this ain’t England. Duke is a smart-mouthed, wise cracking ladies’ man sent by the CIA to save the planet. And he does it all with a cigar in his mouth. No big deal.

Walter White from Breaking Bad

High school chemistry teacher, Walter White, went from collecting homework to collecting cash in the critically-acclaimed series, Breaking Bad. Often referred to as “Heisenberg” in the drug world, it has become harder to tell if the former cancer patient is the protagonist or the antagonist. This could have something to do with the pork pie hat and the menacing stare or perhaps the increase in greediness.

Marie Schrader

While Marie Schrader supposedly holds a job as a technician at a radiology center, she is best known for being a kleptomaniac with a penchant for all things purple. From her home decor to her wardrobe, if it is purple Marie probably owns it. Whether or not she obtained it lawfully is debatable.

Jack Harkness

Time agent, conman, companion – Jack Harkness has been all of that and more over the course of his long, strange life. If he’s not off adventuring with the Doctor, this omnisexual, immortal flirt can be found running the Torchwood Institute on Earth, defending the planet when the Doctor can’t.

Rose Tyler

Rose started out as a normal nineteen-year-old shopgirl until the Doctor blew up her shop (there were Autons inside at the time – don’t ask). But given the choice between an ordinary life and adventure through all of time and space, Rose chose the latter. Hey, who wouldn’t?

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