Cana Alberona from Fairy Tail

Cana Alberona (voiced by Eri Kitamura and Jamie Marchi) is a potential S-Class Mage and a member of the Fairy Tail Guild in the manga and anime series Fairy Tail.  She is the daughter of Gildarts Clive.  Cana is a heavy drinker, though she hardly ever becomes intoxicated.  She favors revealing outfits and has her guild mark on her left abdomen.  To create your costume, you’ll need a long brown wig and a temporary tattoo to start.  Complete the look with a navy blue bra top, brown capri pants, a pink belt, and navy blue gladiator sandals.

Neopolitan (Waiter Disguise) from RWBY

In this article I’ll be covering the waiter disguise that Neo wears briefly during Volume 7 of RWBY, when she’s gathering information.

In this disguise, her eyes are a bold green, while her hair is black, worn just down to her shoulders, with choppy bangs held in place by two silver barrettes, and tied in the back in a small ponytail. The outfit consists of a black button up shirt, tied with a black neck ribbon, a black vest, black slacks, and black formal heeled shoes.

Whitley Schnee from RWBY

Whitley (voiced in English by Marina Inoue and in English by Howard Wang) is a secondary character in the online animated series, RWBY.

He is Weiss and Winter’s younger brother, and was initially a bit of an antagonistic character, but has a bit of a change of heart later on and leans more in to helping Weiss and her friends.

Whitley looks just like his sisters in appearance, with icy blue eyes, and pure white hair, though his is worn short and styled. He is usually seen wearing a half-sleeved white shirt, a black tie, a blue vest with a matching pocket square to his tie, dark blue slacks, and black loafers.

boris the teeth guy from goanimate

Boris the Teeth Guy from Goanimate

Boris the Teeth Guy is one of the antagonists of Goanimate.  Boris is an extremely loud and angry character who yells constantly.  Boris a “teeth person,” and is red with a large mouth.  His clothes consist of red shoes, blue pants, and a green hoodie.  You can make the drawstrings of the hoodie red with fabric paint.  You’ll also need red face paint for your face and red gloves.

rachel lang from the rage carrie 2

Rachel Lang from The Rage: Carrie 2

Rachel Lang (played by Emily Bergl) is the telekinetic teen who takes up the mantle of Carrie in the horror sequel The Rage: Carrie 2.  Rachel resides with her foster family, her mother having been committed.  When her best friend commits suicide, Rachel finds herself entangled with some of the most popular students at her high school, only for her to learn they took advantage of her and other girls at the school in pursuit of a twisted bet.  When her powers manifest, Rachel leaves a trail of carnage in her wake.  To recreate Rachel’s look from the film, you’ll need a dark wig, black tights, and black heels.  Her party dress is red with spaghetti straps and black, sparkly embroidery, so look for a sparkly red dress or one with a black lace overlay.  Lastly, draw her red heart tattoo onto your upper arm with an eyeliner pencil and use a black one to create the thorn-like markings on her face, neck, and arms.

Zach from Wild Kratts

Zach from Wild Kratts

In Wild Kratts, Zachary “Zach” Varmitech (voiced by Zachary Bennett) is an arrogant robotics engineer who uses his genius to invent robots called Zachbots to do his bidding. He often clashes with the Kratt Brothers during his plots to turn animals into robots.

vanessa doofenshmirts from phineas and ferb

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (voiced by Olivia Olson) is a character from the animated series Phineas and Ferb.  Vanessa is an eventual love interest for Ferb.  Vanessa has long brown hair and wears an all black outfit throughout most of the series.  To recreate her look, you’ll need a long brown wig, black heeled boots, black skinny jeans, and a black jacket.  If you can’t find an exact match for her asymmetrical leather jacket, look for ones with a similar length or silhouette.

dani from hooky

Daniela Wytte from Hooky

Daniela Wytte, more often called Dani, is the female protagonist of the webtoon Hooky.  She studies magic alongside her twin brother Dorian and is the younger sister of Damien.  Dani has black hair and often dresses in black and white, which matches her brother’s attire.  To recreate her look, you can wear a black t-shirt style dress with pinstriped leggings, and combat boots.  Accessorize with a white fake collar, black tie, and an oversized white hair bow.  You could also opt for black tights, black ankle boots, and a black long-sleeved dress with a white collar.  Either way, choose a black wig with bangs and trim to your desired length.

Giselle from Enchanted

Giselle is a character from the 2007 Disney film enchanted, and is played by Amy Adams. Enchanted follows Giselle, a princess who is banished by an evil queen and has to go from her animated world to the real world.

In one scene Giselle wears a poofy white wedding dress in the city. This can be recreated with a white wedding dress with poofy short sleeves, a white petticoat for volume, and a white ruffled skirt to layer under the dress that will show through the slit in the skirt. She pairs this with a silver necklace, tiara, and white satin gloves.

Anakin Skywalker from Ahsoka

Anakin Skywalker makes an appearance in the new Star Wars series Ahsoka in episode 5 on Disney Plus. Hayden Christensen returns to play the part of this iconic character. This series follows Ahsoka Tano as she investigates a threat to a vulnerable galaxy.

Anakin wears a classic all-black Jedi costume. This can be created with a black Jedi costume, his right black glove, black boots, a black pouch belt attachment, and a black shirt.

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