Count Lucio from The Arcana: A Mystic Romance – Love Story Costume
Count Lucio is the one-time ruler of Vesuvia and husband of Nadia in the mobile game The Arcana: A Mystic Romance - Love Story. Lucio is a vain man, always bragging about his accomplishments with a smirk. He has blonde hair and dark brows. His costume consists of a white suit without an undershirt, a red sash with medals, and a cloak held in place with a red gemstone brooch. His left arm is covered in a gold gauntlet. You can add gold details to a white blazer with fabric paint, if you'd like to get a little closer to his complete look. For his armor, you could opt for just a gold hand gauntlet, which is easier to find, or you can take some leather paint to a brown full arm piece to evoke a similar feel, though it won't be a total match.
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