Danjuro Tobita/Gentle Criminal from My Hero Academia Costume
Gentle (voiced in Japanese by Kōichi Yamadera and in English by Josh Gremillion) is one of the secondary antagonists in the My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia series.
He is very polite, despite being a wanted criminal, as well as theatrical, and often records the criminal acts he commits in order to gain fame and recognition online. He cares very deeply about La Brava though, and tries to keep her safe as best she can, even when she's accompanying him in dangerous situations to film.
Gentle has white, slicked back hair, with an accompanying mustache, eyebrows, and beard (despite being only 32) and vibrant blue eyes. He wears a white pair of pants that compliment La Brava's, a white top with a cravat piece, two belts, brown loafers with detailing, a purple scarf with matching studded gloves, and a long black tailcoat with a very, very high collar.
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