JD from Heathers DIY Costume Guide

JD from Heathers

Jason Dean, better known as "JD" (played by Christian Slater), is the teen with a sadistic side in the 80s dark comedy Heathers.  New to town, JD and Veronica quickly turn their high school upside down in their quest to exact revenge against the most popular students.  JD's look embodies the outsider aesthetic.  He is portrayed wearing a long trench coat, black motorcycle boots, and a silver hoop earring no matter what the rest of his costume entails.  Though he wears several outfits during the course of the film, JD's triumphant end comes in black jeans and a black-and-white graphic tee.  Tracking down a replica isn't easy, so don't be afraid to go for a plain black tee instead.  Strap your dynamite on and bandage up your left hand, and don't be shy about the blood.

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About the Author


Horror lover. VHS collector. Stray cat savior.

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  1. The Lions and Ghosts shirts he is wearing is available from Deko Entertainment.

  2. Thanks, we’ve updated the guide with that tee.

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