Lenore from Castlevania DIY Costume Guide

Lenore from Castlevania

Lenore (voiced by Jessica Brown Findlay in Castlevania) is one of the members of Styria's Council of Sisters. Carmilla placed Lenore in charge of convincing Hector the forge master to join their side again after being tortured and kept as a prisoner for months. Lenore's personality matches her occupation as the council's diplomat. She fronts as trusting and kind with good intentions but is actually quite manipulative and works connivingly to get her way. Lenore's style is quite dainty. She wears a warm outfit due to the cold climate she and her sisters live in. If you are dressing for a summer or warm weather cosplay event I recommend going with something short-sleeved and wearing a lighter white shawl. Make sure to apply blush liberally across your cheekbones! This is a great costume and ideal for any late fall/winter cosplay event or costume party.

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