Medusa DIY Costume Guide
Medusa is a figure in Greek mythology and the most famous of the three Gorgons. Unlike her beastly sisters, she was a beautiful mortal. Poseidon, god of the seas, seduced her in Athena's temple. Angered by this adultery in her place of worship, Athena transformed her into a vicious monster with snakes for hair. Other versions of the myth say Athena had been angered by her boastfulness. If you look into Medusa's eyes, you will turn into stone. The Greek hero Perseus beheaded Medusa on his quest, and used her head against his enemies before gifting it to Athena. While the original myth antagonizes her, it has been rethought to feel sorry for Medusa as a victim of sexual assault and was unfairly punished. There have been numerous depictions of Medusa, so you can really get creative with your interpretation. We suggest a green color palette, scale makeup, and snake-themed jewelry.
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