
Black Panther

In Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther is the superhero identity of T’Challa, the King of Wakanda, a fictional African nation. After eating a mysterious plant poisonous to many non-Wakandans, he gained the peak of human strength and agility on the same level as Captain America. Black Panther is Marvel’s answer to Batman, and cousins with Killmonger.

The Little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s novel The Little Prince tells the tale of a young pilot stranded in the desert who meets a young prince fallen from his home planet, an asteroid not bigger than a house. While the pilot spends days repairing his plane, the young prince recounts stories about his own otherworldly life .

Major Marquis Warren

In The Hateful Eight, Major Marquis Warren (Samuel L. Jackson) is a Union officer turned bounty hunter. While transporting three dead bounties, he becomes trapped in a blizzard, until a stagecoach carrying fellow bounty hunter John Ruth and fugitive Daisy Domergue serendipitously crosses his path.

Daisy Domergue

In The Hateful Eight, Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is a fugitive captured by bounty hunter John “The Hangman” Ruth, who is intent to bringing her not dead, but alive. What’s worse, they’re accompanies by a second bounty hunter, Major Marquis Warren. They’re delayed however when a blizzard forces them to take refuge in a small stagecoach lodge.

Judy Hopps in Zootopia

In Zootopia, Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) is a rabbit from the small town of Bunnyburrow who moves to the big city to join the police department. Despite being police valedictorian, she is relegated to parking duty by Chief Bogo due to her diminuitive stature.

Susie Salmon

In the Lovely Bones, a novel by Alice Sebold and adapted to film by Peter Jackson, Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) is a teenage girl who is murdered. From her personal heaven, she witnesses her friends and family struggle to move on with their lives, and comes to terms with her own tragic death.

Briar Rose

In Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, the newborn Princess Aurora is cursed by Maleficent, causing the King to fear for her safety and hide her away in a woodcutter’s cottage until her sixteenth birthday. She assumes the identity of Briar Rose, growing up into a beautiful woman with a beautiful singing voice.

Sharon Carter

In Captain America, Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) is the great niece of Agent Peggy Carter. She follows in the legendary agent’s footsteps, working for S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Special Service as Agent 13 under the leadership of Nick Fury.

Angel Dust

In Deadpool, Angel Dust (Gina Carano) possesses, through secret medical experimentation, the ability to gain superhuman strength in a short amount of time. She manages to hold her own when facing off against Deadpool, Colossus, and Negasonic Teenage Warhead.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead

In Deadpool, Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) is an angsty goth girl who has the mutant ability to telekinetically detonate explosions. She is mentored by Colossus and helps him aid Deadpool in defeating Ajax and Angel Dust.

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