
Crimson Bolt from Super

In the movie Super, Rainn Wilson plays the role of Frank Darbo, a kind but awkward man who creates the vigilante alter-ego Crimson Bolt in the aftermath of his wife’s death.  The Crimson Bolt dons a homemade red suit with a hand-printed sigil.  If you are feeling particularly crafty, you could make your Crimson Bolt shirt by hand as well with a red long sleeve tee and some yellow fabric paint.  Otherwise, grab your ready-made shirt and layer as much padding as you can over your uniform, using red spray paint liberally when necessary to achieve the fully-crimson appearance of Frank’s superhero personality.

Paul from Her

Paul (played by Chris Pratt) is a co-worker and friend of Theodore in the Spike Jonze film Her.  Like Theodore, Paul works at “Beautiful Handwritten Letters,” and he admires Theodore’s ability to write from many different perspectives and capture a wide range of voices.  Paul often sports striped polo shirts and he has a well-groomed mustache.

Dr. Trevor Bruttenholm from Hellboy

Dr. Trevor Bruttenholm from Hellboy

Most people today are familiar with Dr. Trevor “Broom” Bruttenholm thanks to the 2004 and 2008 Hellboy movies starring Ron Perlman and directed by Guillermo Del Toro. Newer fans met the soft-spoken professor in Neil Marshall’s 2019 Hellboy adaptation starring David Harbour. And still others remember Dr. Bruttholm from the Dark Horse Comics. The source that started it all.

Both big screen versions of Dr. Bruttenholm share a certain style. They both like three piece suits and close-cropped goatees. Because of this there are two suits listed above. One in tweed with a more classic look and another with a sleeker, more modern look. The cane is part of the earlier look while the accessories – a leatherbound book, a rosary, and of course the goatee – are shared between both looks.

Antiope from Wonder Woman

Antiope from Wonder Woman

Most people know Robin Wright as Princess Buttercup from the movie The Princess Bride. In 2017’s Wonder Woman audiences discovered that Buttercup had transformed into the mighty Antiope. Sister to Queen Hippolyta and aunt to the fearsome Diana, Antiope is the beloved general of the Amazonian warriors. Her own sister calls her the greatest warrior their people have ever known. And without her Wonder Woman would never have become the hero she is today.

Unfortunately it’s hard to get Antiope’s armor without spending a large chunk of change. Leather armor is pricy and there are many distinct and custom pieces to this costume. There are, however, a few pieces you can use to get close and recreate her look pretty closely without making a huge investment. This will let you upgrade your costume over time if you find yourself reaching for your Antiope costume pretty regularly.

One piece – Antiope’s helm or crown – comes from Etsy and is custom made. It is fairly pricy for a single piece. But it is one of her most iconic pieces and well worth the investment.

You’ll want a long blonde wig to wear as well, given that Robin Wright wore her signature blonde hair long for the role. A Roman base costume gives you the general look of Amazon body armor which you can then add leather wrist bracers, a leather shoulder guard, and dark brown leather boots too. Wielding an Amazon sword and a couple of costume daggers, you’re ready to lead your sister Amazons into battle!

Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2

Stinky Pete from Toy Story 2

Stinky Pete (voiced by Kelsey Grammer) is Woody’s complete opposite. He can’t stand children, was never loved or played with, and (at least for a time) finds life with children unbearable. He comes around eventually. But not before making life hard for everyone’s favorite cowboy-spaceman duo. And their friends.

Pete’s costume comes together pretty quickly but there are a few key bits you’ll have to factor in before you buy the pieces. Stinky Pete is a larger older man which might mean ordering a larger size than you normally wear. But if you skip a stomach cushion and order clothes to your usual size, you can still get Pete’s look while holding onto the pieces for another costume.

The costume also works best with a costume pickaxe. But as with most costume weapons, check your convention’s rules before you take it on the floor. If you’re wearing this costume to a private party you’re probably fine.

Once you’ve got all that sorted, you’ve only got a few costume pieces to buy. A prospector’s hat, a red button down work shirt, a pair of blue denim coveralls, and a yellow neckerchief. You’ll also need a pair of black boots. Western boots are very expensive, however, so I’ve listed an alternative that will work fine with the pants are worn over the top of the boots.

Finally you’ll want a fake white beard with thick white brows. You might have to trim the hairs a bit to avoid being tickled. But with the beard and brows in place and your costume on, you’ll be the most feared prospector in the toy box!

alma beers del mar from brokeback mountain

Alma Beers Del Mar from Brokeback Mountain

Alma Beers Del Mar (played by Michelle Williams) is the wife of Ennis in the film Brokeback Mountain.  Though initially very happy despite their financial struggles, Alma eventually discovers Ennis’ affair with Jack and subsequently divorces him and take custody of their two daughters before remarrying.  Alma often wears casual dresses layered with tights and a sweater.

Ham Porter from The Sandlot

In the Sandlot, Ham Porter (Patrick Renna) is the type of person where you hear them before you see them. He’s a heckling catcher with a super outgoing personality. Ham is part of a friendly gang of kids who play baseball all summer long. That is, until THE BEAST gets a hold of possibly the most precious baseball ever. He can’t imagine anyone not knowing the “Great Bambiiiinoooo”, which is why all he can say is “You’re Killing me Smalls!” to the clueless new kid in town.

charlie bucket willy wonka character

Charlie Bucket

Charlie Bucket is the protagonist of the children’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory written by Roald Dahl. Peter Ostrum played Charlie in the 1971 movie adaptation, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Although he comes from poor family, young Charlie is thoughtful and polite. He cares deeply about his relatives, especially his eldest grandfather, Grandpa Joe. His biggest wish is for a Golden Ticket to the factory, which he ends up getting! As a reward for his good behavior, Charlie wins the factory. Included in this costume guide are two alternate outfits, which include his plain blue sweater and red sweater. Wrap the Wonka wrapper around a giant Hershey bar and slip the golden ticket inside for the perfect prop.

Colossus from Deadpool

Colossus from Deadpool

Colossus (played by Stefan Kapicic) is one of two or three mutants that join Deadpool in his movies. According to the movies, the others are busy (or avoiding Wade). If you ask Deadpool, though, the studio just couldn’t afford to license more from Fox. Ouch. Either way Colossus is a somewhat reluctant ally for the merc with a mouth and one Deadpool sorely needs.

You don’t need the X-gene to copy Colossus’ look thankfully. To copy his metal-coated skin you can either use a silver bodysuit and black marker for the body then use silver and black body paint for your face and hands. Or, if you prefer the paint over the bodysuit, you can use just the paint. You’ll need a few paintbrushes to pull off the finer detail, though.

Recreating Colossus’ clothing is a little bit easier. A black zip-up bike vest and red paint copies the most detailed part of his look while black pants, a black tactical belt, and black boots finish off the look.

Cataleya Restrepo from Colombiana

Cataleya Restrepo from Colombiana

Cataleya Restrepo (played to perfection by Zoe Saldana) knew her life’s path from a young age. When her father’s employer ordered a hit on her family, only Cataleya made it out alive. The little girl – who once dreamed of being Xena, Warrior Princess – dedicated her life instead to ending the people who took her family from her.

Her line of work means that she has a wide wardrobe. Whatever it takes to get the job done.

The first outfit we see her in is a party dress, black bra, short wig, and gold heels with red bottoms. Red-bottomed shoes tend to be expensive however so you’ll have to DIY your own with some standard gold stilettos and red acrylic paint. It’s a cover, of course. And as soon as she’s alone she strips off the dress and puts on a black catsuit she concealed in her dress in order to assassinate a target housed in another part of the police precinct she was brought to.

A second outfit is a black bathing suit with sleeves, allowing her to swim more easily through a very large tank housing two sharks. A long dark with tied back in a bun is the only other piece you will need for this costume along with invisible shoes such as those in this tutorial.

When she is dressed as herself, though, Cataleya opts for highly detailed black leather jackets, skinny jeans, heeled ankle boots, and comfortable flowing tees. She typically wears her hair down which you can recreate with a long, dark wig styled with waves. Her guns are not easy to see in these outfits, so a shoulder holster is most likely what she uses since she keeps her jackets closely fitted.

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