
Carl Showalter from Fargo

Carl Showalter played by Steve Buscemi is one of the two antagonists in the 1996 film Fargo. Carl and his partner Gaear Grimsrud are hired by Jerry Lundegaard to kidnap his wife so he can use the ransom money to hide that he has been embezzling money from his car dealership. Carl is very talkative with a short temper and hates smoking. This outfit is perfect for fall and should be very comfortable for going out.

Tauriel from The Hobbit

Tauriel (played by Evangeline Lily) is a career soldier. She is loyal to her people and the Middle Earth as a whole. Her loyalty to good is so strong that it lands her at odds with her own leader but she still has to do what’s right.

Cosplaying Tauriel is much the same as cosplaying any Tolkien. A green tunic, brown braces, brown quiver, brown leather vest, and brown boots make up her clothing. An elven bow and blade are her weapons of choice. And of course no Tauriel costume would be complete without her long ginger hair and pointy ears. The ears featured above are blue as a base color so that ever cosplayer can customize them to their specific skin tone.

mickey pearson from the gentlemen

Mickey Pearson from The Gentlemen

Mickey Pearson (played by Matthew McConaughey) is the main protagonist of The Gentlemen.  Mickey has risen from poverty in his home country of the U.S. to become an exorbitantly wealthy cannabis farmer and dealer in the UK.  Mickey decides to sell his business in a bid to retire, which runs him afoul of several prominent characters including Dry Eye and his associates.  Mickey’s clothing is often a little eccentric or over-the-top in either color or print, making him a fun character to emulate.

Billi from The Farewell

Billi Wang (played by Awkwafina) is an aspiring writer. After a disappointing career rejection, Billi receives more unwanted news from her family. Her grandmother Nai Nai is expected to only have a short time left to live, and the family decides not to tell Nai Nai of her diagnosis. Billi joins her family in China when everyone visits Nai Nai using a “family wedding” as an excuse. She is conflicted about the lie being fed to her grandmother, and is relearning the bonds of her family in The Farewell.

melvin sneedly from captain underpants

Melvin Sneedly from Captain Underpants

Melvin Sneedly (voiced by Jorge Diaz in the TV show and by Jordan Peele in the movie) is the central antagonist of the Captain Underpants series.  Melvin is incredibly smart, but is also a tattletale, which often puts him at odds with his fellow classmates, including Harold Hutchins.  There is some variation in Melvin’s costume, depending on which version you choose, but he always wears oversized glasses and a bow tie.

Billie Logan from Bill and Ted Face the Music

Billie Logan from Bill and Ted Face the Music

Billie Preston (Brigette Lundy Payne) is the daughter of legendary rockstar-in-the-making, Ted “Theodore” Logan, one of the two Great Ones regarded by future music listeners as the creators of the greatest song of all time. Rewind to the present: Billie’s father still hasn’t mastered his musical craft, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t passed down some semblance of talent (combined with an eclectic fashion sense) to his daughter.

Bring a friend and pair this costume with our Thea Logan costume.

Catherinei Tramell

Catherine Tramell from Basic Instinct

In the erotic thriller Basic Instinct, Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone) is the prime suspect in the brutal murder of a rock star, who was stabbed to death with an ice pick during sex. Tramell is brought in for interrogation by detective Nick Curran (Michael Douglas). She remains cool under pressure, smoking in the interrogation room, taunting the male officers with her tight dress, and slyly exposing herself in the famous scene. Complete the look that put Sharon Stone on the map with gold earrings, ring, and bangle bracelet.

ashitaka from princess mononoke

Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke

The Prince of Emishi Village, Ashitaka is a kind and peaceful man afflicted by a demon curse in the Studio Ghibli film Princess Mononoke.  After his town is attacked by a demon, whom he kills, Ashitaka is tasked with discovering why the boar was so afflicted.  Ashitaka joins forces with San after they meet when she attacks Irontown, leaving him with a cut on his cheek.

gabby gabby toy story 4 character

Gabby Gabby from Toy Story 4

Gabby Gabby, voiced by Christina Hendricks, is a new character in Toy Story 4. She lives in Second Chance Antiques with three ventriloquist dolls as her personal bodyguards. Made in the 1950s, Gabby Gabby is a defective doll, as her voicebox is broken. Her scheme to then steal Woody’s voicebox makes her the antagonist of the film. Her goal is to win the affections of a kid named Harmony, but even with her new voice, Harmony rejects her. Now showing sympathy, Woody  plans to bring Gabby Gabby to Bonnie. Upon spotting a lost girl crying at the carnival, Gabby Gabby goes to her instead, doing the most noble thing a toy can do. Style the wig into two pig tails, and secure with hairspray and elastics, then fasten on the bow clips. Use the brow pencil to draw on fake freckles.

donny kerabatsos from the big lebowski

Donny Kerabatsos from The Big Lebowski

Theodore Donald “Donny” Kerabatsos (played by Steve Buscemi) is a member of the same bowling team as the Dude and Walter.  A soft spoken man, Donny is often told to shut up impolitely by Walter prior to his death in the film.  Despite being an exceptional bowler, Donny is often seen wearing what appear to be secondhand bowling shirts, as he dons a colorful array, each with a different name embroidered on it (none of which are Donny).  If you have some modest sewing skills, you could add your own personal flourish to whichever color shirt you choose to wear for your costume.

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