Nora / The Stray from Noragami Costume

Nora / The Stray from Noragami

Most Regalia / Shinki (weapon-sidekick-people) belong to one master alone, but Nora's developed a reputation as "The Stray." Yato is one of many to have utilized Nora's weapon form, but has since, to her ire, acquired a Regalia of his own. (Keeping a Regalia to himself is an entirely different challenge, given Yato's careless, narcissistic personality, but that's really not Nora's problem.) Suffice to say, she gets jealous easily, yet is undeterred by others' conflicts of interest.

Nora / The Stray wears her kimono folded the way of a corpse, and wears a hitaikakushi on her head like the ghosts of old Japanese mythology. We can recreate this ghostly headdress using a white headband and a small, folded cloth napkin, since it's not something readily available, given its taboo nature. Additionally, we've used a large, striped shawl-scarf in place of the traditional obi sash worn around the waist of a kimono.

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