Devin from Total Drama
Devin (voiced by Jeff Geddis) is a contestant on the cartoon series Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race. Devin is a member of team The Best Friends with his childhood BFF Carrie, who harbors romantic feelings for him. When his girlfriend Shelley breaks up with him, Devin undergoes some significant mood swings before eventually confessing his feelings to Carrie. Devin has dark hair and wears black shoes and blue jeans. His t-shirt is a lime green color with a power button symbol on the front.
Cleo Sertori
Cleo Sertori is one of the three main characters in Nickelodeon’s H2O: Just Add Water. The series takes place on the Gold Coast of Australia. A strange encounter with the magical moonpool on Mako Island turns the girls into mermaids! Now Emma, Cleo, and Rikki must navigate life as a human on land and mermaid in the water. Cleo is the kind-hearted one of the group, though she can be anxious. Her mermaid power is manipulating water. Phoebe Tonkin, known for her later role in The Originals, portrayed this character in all three seasons.
Clyde Donovan from South Park
Clyde Donovan (voiced primarily by Trey Parker) is a student at South Park Elementary and part of Craig‘s gang on the long-running animated series South Park. He is considered the “second fattest kid” after Eric Cartman. Clyde has messy brown hair and is typically seen in a red coat with blue trim and often wears matching blue mittens. Finding an exact match for his jacket can be tricky, but you can emulate his costuming by using a blue scarf and tucking it in at the front.
Doc Holliday
Doc Holliday is a character in the American Western film Tombstone (1993). Although portrayed by Val Kilmer in the movie, he was actually a real person in history. In the mid 1800s, Doc was an actual cowboy, gunman, and gambler, as well as close friend and associate of lawman Wyatt Earp. He played a significant role in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, developing a reputation of killing more than a dozen men in his altercations.
Tuesday from UglyDolls
Tuesday is one of the minor antagonists in UglyDolls. She is a Perfection doll who is part of the Spy Girls. While sassy like Kitty and Lydia, she can also be air-headed and forgetful. Tuesday spends much of her time trying to impress Lou, although he shows no interest in her. Use this costume guide to dress in her school uniform.
Emma Gilbert
Emma Gilbert is one of the three main characters in Nickelodeon’s H2O: Just Add Water. The series takes place on the Gold Coast of Australia. A strange encounter with the magical moonpool on Mako Island turns the girls into mermaids! Now Emma, Cleo, and Rikki must navigate life as a human on land and mermaid in the water. Emma is the responsible one of the group, though she can sometimes act bossy. Her mermaid power is freezing water. Claire Holt, known for her later role in The Vampire Diaries, portrayed this character in the first two seasons.
George Harrison from Yellow Submarine
In the animated musical film Yellow Submarine, George Harrison travels with his Beatles mates John, Paul, and Ringo travel by a yellow submarine with their friend Old Fred to Pepperland.
Rock from Total Drama
Rock (voiced by Carlos Diaz) was a contestant on Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race. A member of the Rockers with Spud, his best friend. The two are in a garage band together. Rock has a habit of making sound effects when he speaks. His costume includes a team t-shirt and cowboy boots with an orange bandana.
Wyatt Williams
Wyatt Williams is a character in the animated Canadian sitcom, 6teen. Of the teenage friend group, Wyatt considers himself the most mature. His greatest passion is his music, and he plays the guitar. He even writes his own songs. Despite being responsible, Wyatt can occasionally act worrisome and uptight. He also has quite the addiction to coffee, so your Starbucks order makes the perfect prop.
Joe Swanson from Family Guy
Joe Swanson (voiced by Patrick Warburton) is a main character on the Fox animated series Family Guy. Best friends with Peter, Cleveland, and Quagmire, Joe is a police officer who is in a wheelchair as a result of an injury sustained on the job. Joe is quick to anger and his deep voice is often used to great comedic effect. Joe’s costuming is rather simple and if you already have a wheelchair, there are only a few pieces you will need to collect, depending on whether you’d like to be Joe in uniform or relaxing at the Clam with his buddies.