Randy Daytona

In Balls of Fury, Randy Daytona (Dan Fogler) is a ping pong prodigy who decides to achieve his unfulfilled potential. He starts his training in a Chinatown noodle shop, naturally.

Carol Peletier

In The Walking Dead, Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) has had a hell of an arc, transforming from a women who is meek and abused to one that is strong and capable. Carol is the true definition of a survivor.

Richmond Felicity Avenal

In The I.T. Crowd, Richmond (Noel Fielding) works in the IT Department with Roy and Moss but no one really knows what he does there, including him. In fact, no one even knew he worked in the office until Jen finds him behind the red door.

Princess Sally Alicia Acorn

In Sonic the Hedgehog, Princess Sally Acorn is an anthropomorphic chipmunk. Not only that, but she’s the daughter of King Acorn and the leader of the Freedom Fighters. She can even be seen wearing pants on occasion.

Little Orphan Annie

Little Orphan Annie first started as a comic strip then expanded to Broadway and the movie screen. Annie is a plucky orphan who’s known for her mop of red curly hair and catchphrases like “leapin’ lizards!”. Together with her dog Sandy, she eventually becomes part of “Daddy” Warbucks’ family.

Captain N

In this Nintendo animated series, Kevin Keene is Captain N, a teenager who must defeat Mother Brain to save Videoland, armed with nothing more than an NES light zapper and controller belt buckle. Good luck with that, kid.


On the Marshall Mathers LP, Eminem asks for the real Slim Shady to please stand up. All it really takes is hair bleach and a white tee to start imitating.

Roy Trenneman

In The I.T. Crowd, Roy Trenneman (Chris O’Dowd) works as a support technician along with Maurice Moss. He’s lazy and will do anything to avoid work. If you need computer help, try his expert advice: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”

There’s Something About Mary

In There’s Something About Mary, Mary Jensen (Cameron Diaz) attracts every man around her, whether she wants to or not. Maybe it’s because she’s a little goofy and doesn’t mind sporting a bad hair doo.

Guy Fieri

Guy Fieri is a celebrity chef and host of countless shows on the Food Network, most famously Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. His unique, in your face style includes frosted tips, flame shirts, and sunglasses worn on the back of his head!