Joe from Looper

In Looper, young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a time-traveling assassin paid to kill victims sent back in time by a crime syndicate. Things are going just peachy until they send back old Joe (Bruce Willis), his 30-year-older self.

Léon: The Professional

Leone “Léon” Montana (Jean Reno) is a professional hitman living a quiet life in New York City, sipping milk, raising houseplants, and taking jobs from the mafia. That is, until his 12-year-old neighbor Mathilda’s family is killed, leaving him to take her under his wing.

Mathilda from Leon: The Professional

In Léon: The Professional, Natalie Portman debuts as Mathilda Lando, a street-smart girl who witnesses the murder of her dysfunctional family by corrupt DEA agents. She is taken in by a hitman named Léon who trains her to use guns, and in turn she teaches him to read. How sweet.

Sawyer in The Dharma Initiative

In Lost, James Ford, alias Sawyer, alias Josh Holloway, is a handsome and charming con artist whose sarcastic personality belies a more tender side. Following a chain of events too convoluted to describe in mere words, he ends up as the head of the DHARMA Initiative, alias Jim LaFleur. Or something like that.

Nanny from Muppet Babies

We never see Nanny’s face in the Muppet Babies series, but her characteristic green and white striped stockings and purple sneakers always stood out. Though we assume she’s human, it’s also quite possible she could be a Muppet as well.

6 Signs Your Costume was Designed by Tim Burton

You don’t have to be a super fan to spot a Tim Burton creation. The filmmaker has spent years crafting […]


Pool boy by day and drummer by night, Pip embraces ’90s fashion in Airheads. Combining sleeveless flannel shirts with oversized shorts, this wanna be rock star isn’t the brightest member of the Lone Rangers but at least he’s fun to recreate. When else are you going to get to wear a shell necklace without someone making fun of you?


Consuela is the head of the Maids’ Union and is the world’s most stubborn maid, who often makes her point by repeating “no, no, no”. She’s employed by the Griffin Family as well as by Superman, Darth Vader, and James Woods. In her off time she helped Mexico beat Canada in curling.


In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Leatherface is a chainsaw-wielding, psychopathic murder who has a taste for human flesh. He and his inbred family hunt down victims and turn them into practical items like housebuilding materials and meat for BBQ and chili. Probably the scariest thing about Leatherface is that the fact that he was inspired by real life killer Ed Gein, who wore a mask of human skin.

Harry Potter in The Prisoner of Azkaban

At the end of his third year at Hogwarts, Harry learns the truth behind his parents’ deaths and who he can and can not trust while trying to save the beloved hippogriff, Buckbeak. While on this adventure, Harry is out of uniform and in a simple sweatshirt and tee that get a bit roughed up from all of the escaped-prisoner-chasing, dementor-fighting, and time-traveling.