Pence from Kingdom Hearts 2 DIY Costume Guide

Pence from Kingdom Hearts 2

Pence (voiced in Japanese by Hayato Taya and in English by Sean Marquette [KH2]) is one of Roxas's friends in the Kingdom Hearts series.

He is part of the group along with Hayner and Olette, and generally tries to keep the peace between both their internal group, and Seifer's Disciplinary Committee (this doesn't often go well). He's a lot more tech oriented than the others, and eventually helps Sora try to get into the computer system in the basement of the old mansion.

Pence has dark brown spiky hair that he wears a black and white headband across, and light brown eyes. His KH2 outfit consists of a white long-sleeved undershirt with black cuffs, which he wears a red, black, and white jersey-type shirt over top of, which has a black image of a dog with bones over it, and 'DogStreet' written vertically next to it. He wears a purple bandana around his neck, obscuring the collars of the shirts. His pants are a pair of oversized mid-toned blue jean-looking ones (though they may not be denim), which he wears over the back heels of his shoes, which are white with blue detailing and dark grey soles.

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About the Author


Hello everyone, my name is Jamie! I'm a 30 year old Washington-based nonbinary cosplayer that's been in the scene for the past 17-ish years! My passions are cosplaying, drawing, and playing video games, with the occasional writing dabbling (outside of articles) on the side~

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