Princess Pluto from Sailor Moon Costume
In Sailor Moon, Pluto has the same lengthy dark green hair as usual, worn partially up in a small bun at the top of her head, with the main differences to this look being the Pluto symbol on her forehead, a long black ribbon around her neck, and a black and gold teardrop necklace.
Her shiny black princess dress is a little bit more elaborate on the straps than the other outer scouts, with her having two thin straps on each side, both of which are decorated with gold fastenings. The bodice of her dress comes up in a point in the middle of her chest, and the rest of it falls in a similar way to Uranus and Saturn's, with the sides of the skirt cut away to reveal a lighter underskirt layer. She is also one of the two that wear gloves in this form, with hers being a pair of black opera styled ones.
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