Queen Elinor from Brave DIY Costume Guide
Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson) is a main character in the 2012 Disney Pixar animated movie, Brave. She shares the throne with her husband, King Fergus, as the monarchs of DunBroch, a Scottish kingdom. Whereas her daughter Merida is independent and free-spirited, her mother is the epitome of sternness, poise, and tradition. So when her daughter wants to shoot for her own hand, Elinor is outraged, as she believes it's her duty as a princess to continue the royal line. She throws the bow into the fireplace out of anger, and Merida runs off crying. When she returns, she gives her mother a cake as a peace offering, but it accidentally turns her into a giant black bear! Together they try to break the curse, and ultimately Elinor softens towards her daughter, becoming more thoughtful and understanding.
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