Red Hood from Titans DIY Costume Guide

Red Hood from Titans

HBO Max introduced Jason Todd as Red Hood in season three of their Titans show. The look was hyped for months beforehand and not just by Curran Walters, the man under the hood. Fans everywhere were dying to see what HBO would give them and they were not disappointed.

Recreating Red Hood's look is no easy feat. And it starts with the mask. Unless you're an experienced crafter and cosplayer, your best bet is to get one from Etsy. They tend to sell out very quickly and you might have to purchase a 3D printer pattern and have an Etsy printer run one off for you. Then, of course, you need a red zip up hoodie and a brown leather jacket. Under that you'll want the chest piece which is pretty easily replicated with a paintball vest and fabric paint. Because the vest is black, you'll want to paint the bat symbol first in white and then in red so the red will show up against the background. Finally, to finish off the upper layer you'll need a pair of motorcycle gloves.

The bottom half of the costume consists of a pair of motorcycle pants, two thigh holsters, two costume pistols, a tactical belt, and a pair of brown leather work boots. Todd also has a pair of leg bracers that go down over his boots. You can purchase the leg portion premade and then fashion the section over his toes with craft foam and silver adhesive vinyl.

It's a costume with a pretty steep level of investment. For for Red Hood fans it is worth it.

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About the Author

A.C. Rodgers

A.C. Rodgers is a writer and a researcher combining her love for pop culture with her passion for storytelling. She is easily distracted by Marvel, mythology, sci-fi, fantasy, a good book, or a nice cup of tea. When she's not writing for Carbon Costume she can be found on Twitter and Instagram or working on her latest novel,

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  1. Great write up and choices. Can’t wait to see this in person when cons start up again.

    • Author
      A.C. Rodgers May 4, 2021 Reply

      Hi Joshua, thank you so much! It really will be great to see cons up and running again. So much great content has come out, it’ll be interesting to see what everyone comes up with!

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