
Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles

Mr. Incredible is a main protagonist in Disney Pixar’s The Incredibles. His civilian identity is Bob Parr, the husband of Helen Parr, aka Elastigirl. Their children are Violet Parr, Dash Parr, and Jack Jack. The family are actually heroes, belonging to a superhuman race called the Supers. His best friend is a fellow Super named Frozone. Mr. Incredible’s abilities include super strength and invincibility. He commits to always do what’s right, but his anger and ego can sometimes get in the way.

Carl Showalter from Fargo

Carl Showalter played by Steve Buscemi is one of the two antagonists in the 1996 film Fargo. Carl and his partner Gaear Grimsrud are hired by Jerry Lundegaard to kidnap his wife so he can use the ransom money to hide that he has been embezzling money from his car dealership. Carl is very talkative with a short temper and hates smoking. This outfit is perfect for fall and should be very comfortable for going out.

topher trevor wallace youtube character


Topher is a recurring character in both Trevor Wallace and Cherdley’s sketch comedy videos on Youtube. Trevor Wallace takes on the persona of a frat boy who just wants to hang and play beer pong with his bros. Often times, Topher is on lawn duty. He has a rivalry with another frat boy named Chet, in such videos as “Lemme See That Hall Pass.” For added detail, use the blue fabric paint to write on the shirt.

mickey pearson from the gentlemen

Mickey Pearson from The Gentlemen

Mickey Pearson (played by Matthew McConaughey) is the main protagonist of The Gentlemen.  Mickey has risen from poverty in his home country of the U.S. to become an exorbitantly wealthy cannabis farmer and dealer in the UK.  Mickey decides to sell his business in a bid to retire, which runs him afoul of several prominent characters including Dry Eye and his associates.  Mickey’s clothing is often a little eccentric or over-the-top in either color or print, making him a fun character to emulate.

melvin sneedly from captain underpants

Melvin Sneedly from Captain Underpants

Melvin Sneedly (voiced by Jorge Diaz in the TV show and by Jordan Peele in the movie) is the central antagonist of the Captain Underpants series.  Melvin is incredibly smart, but is also a tattletale, which often puts him at odds with his fellow classmates, including Harold Hutchins.  There is some variation in Melvin’s costume, depending on which version you choose, but he always wears oversized glasses and a bow tie.

Snufkin from Moominvalley

Snurfkin likes to wander around, and plays harmonica. He is a minimalist, preferring to value memories more than objects of memories. His easy going and warm personality is admired by the smaller, shy inhabitants of Moominvalley. Snurfkin enjoys the adventures of his life as a vagabond in Moominvalley.

The Master Richard Delgado Doctor Who Character

The Master (1971) from Doctor Who

The Master is a recurring antagonist on the British sci-fi show Doctor Who. Although the Doctor says they are last of the Time Lords, they soon find out otherwise. But unlike the Doctor, who uses his abilities and knowledge to heal, the Master wants to harm. The Master (Roger Delgado) is first seen in “Terror of the Autons” (1971), where he forms an alliance with the Nestene Conciousness to invade Earth. The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) convinces him to stop the plan, but he escapes. His last appearance is in “Frontier in Space” (1973), where he works with the Daleks to provoke a war between humans and draconians. Again, he escapes, but he reunites with the Tenth Doctor as Professor Yana/Harold Saxon, and the Twelfth Doctor as Missy, her new title as a Time Lady. In the most recent season with the Thirteenth Doctor, the Master is back, revealed to inhabit her ex-MI6 ally, O.

cheb cherdleys youtube character

Cheb from Cherdleys

Cheb is a recurring character of Cherdleys’s (Chad LeBaron) sketch comedy videos on YouTube. Played by LeBaron himself, Cheb is a nerd who strives to be cool. He makes tutorials, such as how to skate and how to get buff, in attempt to be cool. He gets annoyed by loud music and is often unsuccessful with the ladies.

Skulduggery Pleasant

Skulduggery Pleasant

Skulduggery Pleasant is a living skeleton with an arsenal of elemental magical powers up his sleeve. How exactly he got to be this way remains a mystery, especially to his apprentice Valkyrie Cain, but there’s enough trust between this dynamic duo to embark on an ongoing series of supernatural adventures. Vampires, inflatable soldiers, and even a close friend’s evil alter ego are hardly obstacles to this powerful sorcerer.

Captain Morgan Mascot

Captain Morgan

Captain Morgan is easily one of the most recognizable mascots. You don’t even have to dress like a pirate if you pull his name in a game of charades. Just put your hand on your hip and mime standing on a barrel. Most people will know exactly who you’re talking about.

And though you might not need to dress like a pirate to evoke The Captain, there’s no reason you shouldn’t! Especially on August 16, National Rum Day. Most of the pieces of his costume are pretty easy to find and can be mixed into other period costumes for an added bonus!

The first thing you need is a red and gold pirate hat. Under that you’ll want a long black wig and a black goatee. A red and gold pirate’s coat, white shirt with a ruffed collar, brown leather bandolier, and blue collared cloak make up the top half of his clothing. You’ll have to add gold edging to the cloak but gold tape should make that easy. Black breeches, a brown belt, and brown boots make up the bottom half. And of course no pirate would be complete without his saber and his pistol. You don’t need to carry a barrel with you though you can if you like. Finding anything to prop a foot on and strike a pose will do just fine!

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