Hooded Justice from Watchmen
In Watchmen, Hooded Justice, real identity Will Reeves, is the first ever masked vigilante, a charter member of the Minutemen, and the inspiration for many of the earliest superheroes. He wears a black hood and noose around his neck, evocative of both a medieval executioner and the Ku Klux Klan members he fights against. He deals his own brand of justice with great brutality.
Hugh “Ransom” Drysdale from Knives Out
Hugh “Ransom” Drysdale (played by Chris Evans) is considered spoiled even by his own family’s standards. An unmotivated playboy, he befriends Marta Cabrera only to reveal that he has his own ulterior motives for doing so. The most memorable pieces of Ransom’s outfit are his cozy wool sweater and bold patterned scarf.
Lube Man from Watchmen
In Watchmen, Lube Man is a mysterious character who wears reflective goggles and head-to-toe shiny silver body suit. When Angela Abar a.k.a. Sister Night discovers that he’s spying on her, she gives chase. But Lube Man makes a slick escape when he sprays himself with a slippery substance and then slides into a tiny sewer opening. For full accuracy with the bodysuit, cut out eye and mouth holes in its hood, and dip its fingers in black dye.
Oliver Twist
As a young boy raised in a workhouse, Oliver Twist has all reason to be disappointed in life. However, Oliver is no ordinary child. With his steady kind nature, he has a positive outlook that gets him through the troublesome predicaments he faces.
Kevin Malone from the Office
“It’s not Ashton Kutcher! It’s Kevin Malone.” Here is an easy to follow costume guide for Kevin Malone (Brian Baumgartner) from The Office. In true Kevin spirit, we won’t say lot word when few word do trick. His outfits are usually gray or brown suits, always with a brown patterned tie. Trim the front bangs off this monk wig to achieve Kevin’s hairstyle. Be sure not to drop the pot — no one likes a chili stained carpet.
Red Scare from Watchmen
In Watchmen, Red Scare (Andrew Howard) is a Tulsa Police detective who wears a red tracksuit and speaks with a Russian accent. His true identity and past are unknown, but he’s presumed to be from a Soviet bloc country with a communist background. Red Scare often uses his large, robust build and a bullhorn to intimidate his enemies.
Tom Lucitor from Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Tom Lucitor is a demon with a quick smile. His clothes are tattered at all the hems including sleeves, legs, the neck of his shirt, and the bottom of his shirt. His hair is spiked up high and his horns grow through. His most noticeable feature is the third eye in the middle of his forehead, which can be added with face paint. He also wears leather boots, a leather bracelet, a studded belt, and an ear piercing in both ears.
Make Your Own: Shy Guy Hoodie
Shy Guys are short beings who hide behind masks. Not much information is offered for them besides the fact that […]
Dr Disrespect
Dr DisRespect is the online alias of Herschel Beahm IV, a wildly popular Twitch streamer and Internet personality best known for playing games like PUBG and Apex Legends. Doc’s no apologies look includes a proud mullet and a thick mustache named Slick Daddy. His accomplishments include being the 2x back-to-back champion, taking home top prize at the 1993 – 1994 Blockbuster Games World Champions.
Joker Jr. from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
Joker Junior in “Batman Beyond: The Return of Joker” is like the son of Harley Quinn and the Joker. In reality, he is Tim Drake – sidekick to Batman – who has been brainwashed. He wears purple shorts and a matching overcoat with tails, like the Joker. His button-up shirt is green while his tie is as purple as his coat. Grey socks, grey gloves, black shoes, and a yellow lapel flower finish the look. Joker Jr. is very pale with black rings around his eyes and black coloring on his lips.