
Damn Daniel

“Damn Daniel” is a catchphrase that stems from a Twitter video montage featuring a voiceover of a teenager complimenting his friend Daniel on his fashionable attire on a number of different occasions.

Stephen “Flyboy” Andrews from Dawn of the Dead

Stephen “Flyboy” Andrews is one of the main characters of the zombie classic Dawn of the Dead, and one of the most iconic movie zombies after a tragic escape leads to him becoming infected. He then leads the zombies to attack the film’s final survivors unsuccessfully.

Big Ronnie and Big Brayden

Big Ronnie and Big Brayden are the protagonists of the 2016 cult classic comedy-horror film The Greasy Strangler. They are an estranged father and son pair, with Big Ronnie being obsessed with grease, and possibly being the mysterious serial killer the Greasy Strangler. They run a disco tour in Los Angeles, hence their bright pink uniforms. When Big Brayden gets a girlfriend, Big Ronnie sets out to make her his.

Liquid Ocelot From Metal Gear Solid 4

Liquid Ocelot was Liquid Snake’s doppelgänger and Solid Snake’s final nemesis, appearing in Metal Gear Solid 2 as a minor villain and Metal Gear Solid 4 as the main villain. He is an alter ego of Revolver Ocelot caused after fusing with Liquid Snake’s arm and engaging in hypnotherapy. In MGS4, he creates the Outer Heaven PMC to take on The Patrots.

Salt Bae

Salt Bae is a nickname given to Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe, who was widely discussed on social media following the circulation of a video in which he flamboyantly sprinkles salt on a carved steak.

Frodo Baggins

Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) is the protagonist and primary Ring Bearer in the Lord of the Rings book, video game, and film series. He is a meek Hobbit who is tasked with delivering the One Ring to Mount Doom, overcoming physical and mental struggle along the way. He eventually becomes one of Middle Earth’s greatest heroes.

Vault Boy

Vault Boy is the mascot character of the Vault-Tec corporation within the Fallout universe, appearing in their adverts, manuals, products and training films as well as the icon of the Fallout series in general. Always chipper with a wink and a thumbs up, Vault Boy is your guide to the apocalypse.


Nidhogg is a competitive side-scrolling two-player fighting video game by Mark “Messhof” Essen. Players duel with swords in a pixelated environment. It’s popular for tournaments due to the simple to play/hard to master gameplay as well as the ceaselessly fast pace. In it, players are colored silhouettes who fight who engage in fencing with one another. This costume is ideal for a group of at least two. Be sure to work on your cartwheels!

Roland Deschain

Roland Deschain

In Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series, Roland Deschain of Gilead (Idris Elba) is the last in a long line of gunslingers who keep the peace. He often appears detached and unsympathetic, but keeps a strong sense of heroism and helps others in need. He takes inspiration from Clint Eastwood’s The Man with No Name.

Bloody Face

In American Horror Story: Asylum, Bloody Face is a serial killer who started murdering in the early 1960s. His true identity is suspected to be a gas station worker named Kit, but it turns out to be respected psychiatrist Dr. Oliver Thredson (Zachary Quinto), and decades later, his son Johnny Morgan (Dylan McDermott).

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