

Taking inspiration from the Old Man Logan comic series, the film Logan has Hugh Jackman portraying a graying and gritty Wolverine, capping a 17-year run with his final appearance in the role. Logan is scraping a living as a limo driving, hustling medications south of the border for Professor X when a young mutant pleads for his help.

Khal Drogo

In Game of Thrones, Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) is the cheftain of the Dothraki, a savage and nomadic horse-riding people of the eastern continent. A legendary warrior, he desires a beautiful and exotic woman for his wife, and finds her in Daenerys Targaryen.


Diavolo is the main antagonist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Vento Aureo. He is a cocaine addicted mafia kingpin with schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. His paranoia makes him hide from everyone, even his gang. This makes him an enigmatic and horrifying figure. With his Stand King Crimson, he can delete nine seconds from happening, effecting making him impossible to kill, so it seems. Be sure to cut the shirt and pants accordingly and add his green spots to the wig. For his coattails, I’d recommend making them out of the fishnet from some stockings.


JoeysWorldTour is an infamous YouTube amateur food reviewer known for his grossness in eating and his weird and loud catchphrases (such as “I’M BYYYYYYYYYYYYYACK” or “WOO WOO WOO WOOOOOO!!”). He is often seen wearing Mickey Mouse ears and either a plain blue shirt or a personalized JoeysWorldTour shirt. Nutella/wasabi smeared on face optional.

Archie Andrews

In Archie Comics, Archibald “Archie” Andrews is a typical small-town teen who attends Riverdale High School. He has a dog named Spotty, a best friend named Jughead Jones, and crushes in Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper, tangling him in a love triangle.

Tucker From Danger 5

Tucker is one of the main characters of the Australian cult classic TV series Danger 5. He is the straight edge and by the books member of the team, but also the most weak. For bigger comedic effect, try printing out your own “Sensible Chuckle” magazine cover and paste it over an existing one.

David Haller from Legion

In Legion, David Haller (Dan Stevens) is the mutant son of Professor X, who possesses telepathic and telekinetic abilities like his father. He’s diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age and winds up at a psychiatric hospital.

James Delaney from Taboo

In Taboo, James Delaney (Tom Hardy) is a former corporal of the East India Company who returns from Africa to London to inherit his late father’s shipping empire. But he quickly learns that he’s also inherited his father’s legacy, which is shrouded with conspiracy, murder, and betrayal.

John Wick

John Wick is the protagonist of the John Wick series as well as a playable character in the team based heist game Payday 2. For this look, you can either go with his three-piece black suit or tactical black turtleneck. A former hitman, he returns to killing after his dog is murdered by Russian mobsters shortly after his wife’s death.


In the video game series Street Fighter, Sagat is a renowned fighter in the style of Muay Thai kickboxing. He has an imposing physique, standing at over 7 feet tall with a hulking, 280 pound muscular build. He also has a large scar across his chest as a reminder of when Ryu “shoryukened” him.

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